
I know that I risk sounding redundant here. After all, maintaining a healthy weight is just common horse sense. And yet, I see individuals in the natural health space who are trying to use these methods to get themselves healthy, and employing many effective techniques, but are 20 or 30 or 40 pounds or more overweight — this person then wonders why they are not making progress in solving their health problems or achieving their health goals.
The body is an energy miser and an efficiency freak. Everything in the body — every function — is calculated to use the least amount of energy as possible and run like an efficient machine, constantly conserving units of energy and wasting as little as possible. Every pound that you are over your ideal weight creates extra stress and overworks your body’s organs and systems.
Nobody’s perfect, and it’s challenging to be at that perfect weight. You know the weight I’m talking about — when you’re feeling trim, slim and whip-thin. Think about that feeling you get when you’re at your ideal body weight and physical condition. It feels good, doesn’t it? I know it’s tough to get there and keep that. Everybody goes through challenges and ups and downs in this department — myself included.
I struggled with my weight tremendously growing up as a kid and was made fun of and bullied for being chubby in elementary school. Then I became thin again for a couple of years after joining sports, but then put on weight yet again after eating junk food uncontrollably and by the time I got to high school my highest weight was 215 pounds (at 5 feet 10 inches tall) which is approximately 40 to 50 pounds overweight. I ultimately ended up getting a prescription for ADD medication, just so I could use it as an appetite suppressant, skip breakfast and/or lunch, and lose weight. Once I dropped the pounds, I ditched the pills.
This perverse strategy worked, but my weight still yo-yoed over the years and into adulthood. Every time I struggled and persevered to dig myself out of the hole and get myself back to a good weight, I felt so much better and like I had so much more energy. At the age of 22, after I fell ill with my devastating health problems, unhealthy food became my solace and my weight shot up again.
After self-healing, recovering, and getting myself healthy, maintaining an ideal weight became much, much easier, although still challenging on a smaller level. To this day the waves occur on a micro level, and I find my weight fluctuating but only perhaps 5-10 pounds here or there.
When I think about maintaining an ideal weight, some of the factors that come to mind for myself — which probably apply to you as well — are:
— If I am working out or how many days in a week am I exercising
— If I’m getting adequate sleep
— If I’ve been eating meals late in the evening
— If I’ve been indulging in meals which are very calorically dense, especially in the high-fat / high-protein category
— If I’ve been stressed out and turning to comfort foods as a result
While I have been referring to weight and some kind of ideal weight, I think a better metric is how you look, naked, in a mirror. Are you close to the physical physique that you would consider ideal? Are you accumulating excess fat stores near your thighs, hips, belly, arms, chest and other areas? Are you physically athletic and in shape?
If you struggle with weight or being out of shape or over your ideal weight, I will list a plethora below of some areas you can focus on which could help you:
— Avoid eating late in the day. If you go to bed at 11:00pm, try and eat your last food of the day no later than 7:00pm
— Consider cutting down your salt intake, as this can create a vicious cycle of cravings and once you’ve removed that stimuli you should be able to control your intake of foods much better. If you are going to eat salt, don’t eat processed table salt and instead use a complete unprocessed sea salt.
— Consider an alternative to processed salt and work into your day an intake of green powder which contains natural post-plant sodium and can satiate your cravings for salty foods:
— If you’re trying to lose weight, when eating high amounts of sugar, like you get with many fruits, try and do this earlier in the day. For example, you could eat big fruit smoothies for breakfast and lunch, but then a salad for dinner, or a green juice. Excess carbohydrates get stored as fat, especially the later in the day that you eat them. Earlier in the day, it’s much easier for your body to expend those as fuel throughout the day.
— Exercise is your number one best friend in terms of staying in shape and maintaining your ideal weight. You don’t have to work out every day, but consider at least two or three days a week getting 30 minutes to 1 hour of good exercise where your heart rate is elevated.
— Which is better, you might wonder — cardio or resistance / weight training? They are both excellent. Actually, resistance training is naturally cardiovascular anyways and numerous studies document that this seems to have overall more benefit. I like to warm up the body with cardio, and then try and work in some resistance training. In terms of weight management, it’s conventional wisdom that you can lose more weight doing cardio, but actually if you are weight training with frequent enough intervals, this has been shown to actually burn more calories for the rest of the day and result in higher weight loss.
— Try and work out first thing in the day. This will set your metabolism in high gear for the entirety of the rest of the day and you will enjoy burning calories throughout the whole day. Some people recommend eating protein before working out in the morning. Personally, this approach is not for me. Working out first thing on an empty stomach makes more intuitive sense for me and is more attuned with our natural ancestry in terms of achieving an athletic and physical balance.
— Make sure you’re getting enough sleep and resting properly. You’ll find that if you’re sleep deprived, you’re more likely to not have a good gauge on your appetite and you’ll get cravings for things you shouldn’t eat and crave them at times when you shouldn’t eat them.
— You can also turn down your thermostat at night and rest at a cooler temperature. By doing this, your body will naturally expel more calorie units to keep your body’s resting temperature.
— Become an observer of yourself when you eat foods that are not consistent with your goals. What is causing this to happen? Pay attention to your emotions when this occurs so you can perhaps identify and solve some other problem that is causing this eating behavior.
— Pay attention to your stress levels throughout the day and gaps of time in between meals. Don’t let your hunger grow so intense by waiting such a long gap of time to eat — this can cause you to get ratted out and ragged, and then when you finally do eat, you may end up choosing a food which is over-indulgent and then you over-eat. It may be better to just break down, stop what you’re doing, and have a big snack, when you feel a major hankering coming on let’s say in the late afternoon. This can nip that demon in the bud and cause you to eat a more moderate, reasonable dinner.
— Watch out for proteins and fats, even healthy ones — things like nuts, avocado, and coconut. These are very calorically dense foods, which is how they were designed, and that’s part of what makes them special and great. But, just be aware that these foods can cause you to put on weight like a prize pig eating chestnuts in the days running up to be brought to market. That’s how you ‘puff up a pig’, which is what you do to yourself when you eat an excessive amount of calories of fats and proteins, consistently, over and over.
— Nobody can escape the cravings for a more filling meal of comfort foods with more high-fat, high-protein foods completely, but you can keep them at bay for a period of time. Try and go through the week, Monday through Thursday, eating on the straight and narrow, with a lot of fruits, smoothies, salads etc., with some fat and/or protein but not too much. Then, on the weekend have your more indulgent meals. If this is too extreme and strict, try just eating one meal a day that is very rich and filling, and eating your other meals as high-fruit type meals, salads, or green drinks. If that is too ambitious, then eat two very filling meals, and one high-fruit meal (it would be better to have that for breakfast or your first meal of the day). Just keep working your way closer and closer to your ideal scene. It won’t happen overnight, but it will happen if you keep working at it and are committed to achieving your ideal operating weight.
— Consider intermittent fasting to help continue to burn calories during your break from food beginning after dinner from the prior day. In other words, maybe you could delay your breakfast a couple of hours, or just skip that meal and wait until lunch. Generally speaking, you would do better delaying your first meal one to three hours after waking up, and then eating a big meal with a bigger portion size, as opposed to eating immediately after waking but a smaller portion size. When your body is in a state of fasting, it is burning excess calorie stores, which can help you achieve your ideal weight.
— Keep yourself accountable. Write down everything you eat in a day, for a week. Then, go back and read it. You might be shocked at some of the things you’ve been shoveling down in terms of quantity and the choices you made, and at what times. Sometimes we need a good look in the mirror to get ourselves to make a change.
— Create an image of yourself in your mind at your ideal weight. Use visualization to think of how you will look when you are at that level. Think of how good that feels and try and maintain that image in your mind for as long as possible. This will send a command to your subconscious to program your cells to achieve that operating weight as your true identity. You can use affirmations as well to program yourself.
— On an extreme level, if you’re willing to try something really funky and out there, pay somebody to edit a picture of your face onto a body that resembles the body you wish to have. Print this out and keep this picture up next to your desk or somewhere you can refer to it often. Hold this picture in your mind as a visual of what you look like, which will program your subconscious mind to go to work creating that reality.
— Do a colon cleanse, liver cleanse, and a parasite cleanse. If you have reviewed the other information in Rapid Regeneration, you should now by now that it would be quite difficult to maintain an ideal weight if your intestines are all clogged up with junk. Also an issue is if your liver is not functioning at near its peak capacity, causing so many of your energetic mechanisms to be sluggish due to being clogged up. And what about the dastardly influence that parasites can have on your appetites and cravings, pressuring you to eat bad, unhealthy junk foods, while all the while robbing the nutrients from your food, and ultimately your energy? Get your body cleaned out and you should see quantum leaps forward in your ability to maintain an ideal weight and in so many other things.
— There are few things which strip fat off your body faster than cold temperatures. If you are overweight, it’s feasible that you got that way likely by overindulging in comfort. To get out of this situation, embrace something that is highly uncomfortable, such as standing outside in the cold air, standing under a cold shower as long as you can take it, sleeping in a cold room, or even filling a cold tub with 40 to 50 degree Fahrenheit water and putting yourself into it. Remember that a calorie is a unit of heat and that when the body needs to heat itself, your fat reserves will start melting away. Consider using breathing techniques and you’ll find that exposing yourself to cold temperatures gets easier and easier.
— Use whatever motivates you — nothing is off the table. If you have a certain goal in terms of being more attractive to your mate, let that be your fuel. If you would like to perform at a certain level in the bedroom without getting out of breath and flopping over like a fish out of water, let that motivate you. If you would like to get revenge against a group of people that used to make fun of you back in grade-school for your weight, there’s no shame in using that to motivate you to achieve this. However dark a secret you may have for wanting to look your best and operate at a high level in terms of your weight, reach down, get in touch with that dark side of yourself, and use it to achieve your goals. Do it now!
— Consider the possibility that your body may not have enough iodine, which is extremely common due to the lack of nutrients in the soil with the way that Big Agri farms its food products. The thyroid is responsible for energy metabolism and largely related to your body weight, and this gland needs iodine, as does every cell in the body to function properly and maintain a healthy metabolism and weight. If you don’t have enough iodine, it’s no surprise that your metabolism my be sluggish, underperforming, and too slow to maintain a healthy body weight. Definitely refer to the Rapid Regeneration segment that documents more information about iodine before doing anything on that front.
— If you’re absolutely at the end of the rope with weight loss, and not achieving results using more basic methods, I would not be 100% opposed to resorting to a natural product that supports balanced ideal weight achievement such as this one:
— If you do consume this formula, what I would do is — get on it, and get off it once you’ve achieved your target or get enough momentum, because it contains caffeine and iodine, both of which are controversial. I don’t recommend caffeine and actually recommend ultimately getting off of it completely if you can help it, to avoid the ups and downs it creates and for many other reasons referenced in another section about that. Iodine is also controversial in its own way and it is possible to overdo it and take too much iodine and people really should not take iodine without understanding it fully and consulting with a professional practitioner if needed. The segment about iodine should be reviewed first (even though the amount of iodine in the formula is a very low amount). These are the two reasons why I am hesitant regarding this otherwise powerful and natural formula. Sometimes though it is worth it to fight fire with fire, in the most desperate of situations. If you choose to do that, get done with it and move on to where you can maintain a balance naturally and without extra stimulation.
If you have a certain goal, in terms of detoxification, cleansing, regenerating, healing, strengthening, and transforming to create a new reality for yourself, then your weight management will either help or hurt your accomplishment of that goal. To the degree that you undertake the task of achieving an ideal weight, this will assist you in solving your health problems that much faster. To the degree you allow your weight to get out of hand and don’t reign things into the target area of your ideal weight, this will allow your other health goals to be sabotaged and not be fixed effectively or could take much longer to achieve.
The stakes are high, and I understand that nothing is harder than trying to control willpower in this area and especially appetite and cravings. Even the most advanced wellness advocates still struggle in this area sometimes. Make a commitment to achieve your ideal body by creating a visualization in your mind of what that looks like, and give thanks and gratitude to God, in advance, for you achieving that. Then go ahead and take the necessary actions, constantly and consistently, to make that happen. You can do it!