The Importance of Ideal Weight Management

I know that I risk sounding redundant here. After all, maintaining a healthy weight is just common horse sense. And yet, I see individuals in the natural health space who are trying to use these methods to get themselves healthy, and employing many effective techniques, but are 20 or 30 or 40 pounds or more overweight — this person then wonders why they are not making progress in solving their health problems or achieving their health goals.

The body is an energy miser and an efficiency freak. Everything in the body — every function — is calculated to use the least amount of energy as possible and run like an efficient machine, constantly conserving units of energy and wasting as little as possible. Every pound that you are over your ideal weight creates extra stress and overworks your body’s organs and systems.

Nobody’s perfect, and it’s challenging to be at that perfect weight. You know the weight I’m talking about — when you’re feeling trim, slim and whip-thin. Think about that feeling you get when you’re at your ideal body weight and physical condition. It feels good, doesn’t it? I know it’s tough to get there and keep that. Everybody goes through challenges and ups and downs in this department — myself included.

If you have a certain goal, in terms of detoxification, cleansing, regenerating, healing, strengthening, and transforming to create a new reality for yourself, then your weight management will either help or hurt your accomplishment of that goal. To the degree that you undertake the task of achieving an ideal weight, this will assist you in solving your health problems that much faster. To the degree you allow your weight to get out of hand and don’t reign things into the target area of your ideal weight, this will allow your other health goals to be sabotaged and not be fixed effectively or could take much longer to achieve.

The stakes are high, and I understand that nothing is harder than trying to control willpower in this area and especially appetite and cravings. Even the most advanced wellness advocates still struggle in this area sometimes. Make a commitment to achieve your ideal body by creating a visualization in your mind of what that looks like, and give thanks and gratitude to God, in advance, for you achieving that. Then go ahead and take the necessary actions, constantly and consistently, to make that happen. You can do it!