Intestinal & Colon Cleansing

Also known as the large intestine, the colon is where food goes after going through the digestive process and making its way through the small intestine. It is a sort of holding area, although nutrients and particles from food are also re-absorbed from matter after it goes into the large intestine area. The body determines what is unwanted waste, and from the colon it makes its way via the rectum outside of the body and into your local plumbing system.

It only makes sense that the colon can become backed up and experience many degenerative problems that can be helped by a cleansing program. My apologies for the graphic nature of this subject. If you do it right, we will only need to deep-clean it once, and simple maintenance from there on out.

If you have been eating junk foods, then the colon especially can become quite a messy place. What happens is some of these foods are quite mucus-forming. This is because if a food is consumed and the resulting digested matter is acidic and acid-forming to the body, the large intestine will actually secrete mucus as a neutralizing protective buffer, which coats the walls of the colon so that they don’t get burned and disintegrated by the acids.

The problem is that this mucus will remain in place as long as acidic foods keep being consumed (as they usually do). Eventually, it hardens, and can become like a sticky plague that lines the walls of the intestines. Not only does this interfere with nutrient absorption (which normally occurs through the permeable walls of the intestines), but this mucoid plague becomes toxic and acidic in itself.

To make matters worse, certain foods can actually combine with this hardened mucosa material and create even more of a gluey, hardened substance. Bread, flours, and foods containing gluten are one of the worst offenders of this. The digested flour itself is a sticky, gluey substance, and combines with the protective mucus to cause a thick, slime wall, lining the inside of the colon.

We generally think of people gaining weight around the waistline, and becoming rounder and wider on the outside. But consider that the colon can actually swell up and retain water as a protective measure to combat over-acidity. It can also thicken in diameter in terms of the size of the sort of inner tube. This slime wall can get bigger and bigger if left un-cleansed.

Not just gluten but all kinds of digested and undigested food matter can get lodged and stuck in this slime wall, where it will slowly rot and putrefy over time — yuck!

The final problem I will outline with the colon reaching this state is that this becomes a welcoming home for parasites of all kinds. Many parasites actually feed upon acidic wastes, rotten materials, alcohol created by indigestion, and other by-products of bad digestion and poor food choices.

The slime wall creates a nesting bed for harmful organisms of all kinds, some as small as microscopic candida and fungus, and some as large as worms which can grow several feet long. This problem is specifically addressed in the segment entitled ‘Parasite & Harmful Organism Cleansing’. But don’t get too freaked out — we have the tools to ‘fumigate’ the pests, clear out the nest, and eliminate the unwanted visitors.

Upon completing a colon cleanse, you might feel a renewed sense of energy, cleanliness, and increased function of the digestive system and metabolism. Personally, I had forgotten what it felt like to have a nice, clean colon until completing the cleanse and I did experience all of these positive feelings after doing it.