Introduction to Your New Life

My name is Dave Escamilla, and I didn’t want to do this. Sorry — let me start over. My name is Dave Escamilla, and I never signed up for this trip.

What I mean is that, as a young man, I was happy enough just going on about my life trying to be a decent person and enjoying myself without ever giving too much thought to being that health-minded. Although I struggled with eating junk foods since a young age, I seemed to enjoy good health and energy while still indulging in unhealthy foods without experiencing serious immediate consequences, and the natural health world was just not related to what I was interested in.

However, in my early 20s I underwent some physiological trauma which made me very ill and for years I suffered from horrible physical sickness, which got so bad that I actually lost the will to live and every day was torture.

During these dark and turbulent years, while I was so desperate to heal and regenerate, I started discovering a few skeleton keys that began to unlock doorways of knowledge and awareness. At this time I felt that I saw a hint of a light at the end of the tunnel — maybe like you are right now. When this happened, in my desperation, I made a deal with God. I said, “God, please, help me find the solutions. If you help me fix these problems, I’ll do anything.”

After much trials and tribulations, I discovered that the solutions to these problem were a variety of natural healing techniques, including but not limited to supplements, total body cleansing, environmental changes, diet and nutrition, cleansing, detoxification, and many other naturalistic strategies. I experienced what felt like a miracle as all my symptoms disappeared and I got a second chance of having a life back where I felt energized and vibrant.

Now it has come time for me to hold up my end of the bargain. In fact, I am now on an assignment to help you and to assist you in your journey. I’ve come a long way since first starting to discover these natural healing secrets starting in 2015, and I have amassed a copious amount of knowledge in parts and pieces which now fit together like the stone blocks of the great prehistoric structures. I’m not going to say it’s comprehensive, because there is always more to learn, but I am going to cover some of the most important things to help you achieve your health goals, from A to Z.

If you make the commitment to learn this information for yourself, then I promise you that whatever problems you are having will be exponentially more solvable. If you’re wondering what the answers are — if you’re wondering ‘What should I do?’ — then soon that will be irrelevant and you will be asking different questions. Once you know what to do, you’ll be asking yourself — how should you do it? And after you’re in a flow of natural health, wellness and vibration, the questions that will keep you up at night will be of a much more elevated nature, because you’ll have solved your basic problems.

I will help show you how to get to that point. I can’t get you there totally on your behalf. I need you to commit to having an open mind and giving this information a try. I will show you the roadmaps which can include many of the mysteries of the Universe and the secrets of the Ages. The answers are out there, waiting for you.

If you are reading this, then you have made a decision to dig deep and figure it out. Congratulations for that, and keep going! I’ll be there with you on this journey ahead.