Long Term Energy & Resiliency with John Kohler, Whole Foods Plant Based Healthy Lifestyle

(00.00) Introduction
(01:20) What health problems did John Kohler eliminate? Hospitalized with Spinal Meningitis at age 22
(07:53) Does John Kohler use moisturizer or how does his skin look so good?
(09:29) John Kohler figuring out natural health solutions in the 90s with no internet
(14:53) Why John Kohler incorporates some cooked or heat-processed foods
(22:02) John Kohler’s perspective on conventional versus organic produce and where to source the best produce
(34:43) John Kohler’s advice to somebody intimidated to start a garden
(37:01) John Kohler’s advice to somebody struggling to achieve health – a balanced, holistic approach to transition diet and lifestyle
(43:59) John Kohler’s benefits from doing microbiome testing
(52:54) John Kohler shares about being a guest speaker at Texas Fruit Festival
(55:09) John’s research and investigation into juicing, blending, vacuum blending and food processing

More about John:
Texas Fruit Festival: