Karen Ranzi – 69 Years of Age, Thriving, Full of Energy, 30 Years Raw Vegan


(00:00) Intro
(02:24) Karen’s struggled with terrible cystic acne for over 20 years
(04:26) Karen’s grandmother back in the 1920s at age 32 healed emphysema and asthma using natural hygiene, fasting and fruit — The Mucusless Diet healing system by Arnold Ehret — and lived into her 80s
(07:49) Karen experienced numerous health issues and solved them naturally – cystic acne, IBS, no menstrual cycle for 2 years
(09:01) Karen went vegan in 1989 and her cystic acne disappeared in 3 months
(09:48) Karen’s transition into more whole foods after having children in 1989 and later in 1994 into raw vegan approach to deal with her son’s asthma
(13:36) Karen is 69 years old, 30 years raw vegan, many lessons learned
(16:59) Karen Ranzi age 69 has no health problems, high energy, uneventful menopause, no weight gain or hot flashes
(21:19) Karen’s advice to somebody who is motivated to solve a health — fruit for breakfast
(26:31) Is raw vegan / fruit centric an easy diet to follow?
(28:20) Going raw vegan in the 1990s versus in the 2020s
(32:08) Transitioning diet to raw vegan with a spouse who has different goals
(37:04) How much energy does Karen have at age 69? Is it validating?
(42:17) Advice for starting transitioning to more raw foods
(44:51) How should people eating raw vegan rely on cheat foods?
(47:38) Karen Ranzi’s grandmother and father were raw vegans
(50:21) Role of a grandparent versus a parent in influencing good health, nutrition, eating choices
(58:31) Using affirmations to help heal the body and improve health
(59:34) Nutrition, protein, and you need more calories and bigger portions when eating fruit and raw foods
(01:01:37) Dealing with the Emotional and psychological side of healing
(01:05:17) Food addition.caused by synthetic addictive chemicals in food, MSG, xenobiotics
(01:10:05) What kind of water does Karen like to drink?
(01:13:09) Are there raw foods that Karen avoids eating?
(01:16:00) Does Karen Ranzi worry about oxalates?
(01:19:39) Food combining — so important for long term success
(01:26:41) Karen Ranzi’s view on circumcision — should you do it to your child? Dangers, risks
(01:37:34) Having discernment and figuring out the truth
(01:40:45) Love Raw Food and Yoga Retreat in Costa Rica, Woodstock Fruit Festival and Texas Fruit Festival
(01:45:05) Karen Ranzi’s appearance at Texas Fruit Festival
(01:48:51) Thank you Karen

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Super Healthy Children

Feel Fabulous With Food

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Texas Fruit Festival