Liver & Gallbladder Cleansing

Here we have arrived at the Big Daddy of cleanses. If you followed the same order which I did in these cleanses, and first complete a colon cleanse, then you may have been rejuvenated by the effectiveness of that regiment. You might feel nice and cleaned out and energized.

Well, now it’s time for the next level of transformation. Truly, after I completed my first liver and gallbladder cleanse, I was blown away. I was ten times more affected, in a good way, by this cleanse than I was with the colon cleanse — which is great too in its own way and totally necessary as well. Actually, the effectiveness of the liver/gallbladder cleanse does rely on having a clean, high-functioning colon.

Maybe my liver and gallbladder were just in particularly bad shape. After all, back in my wild days I did do quite a lot of partying, consuming booze and various substances like they was going out of style. That was sort of my thing for a while, so who knows, maybe my liver got all swollen and crusted up. Or perhaps it was my overdose of cough medicine trauma which completely threw my whole complete body system out of whack and made me feel horrible for years. So it’s possible that my liver in particular was a bad specimen and therefore really responded well to the cleanse program.

Actually, I suspect that the vast majority of people’s liver and gallbladders are clogged up, sluggish, and functioning at a low percentage level compared with their total capacity. The liver in particular is such an essential and amazing organ. If it were hypo-active, congested or inflamed, it would surely have a detrimental effect on many other areas of the body.

Thus, cleansing must be done as a kind gesture to your liver after everything you’ve done to it, knowingly and unconsciously, over the years.

Many thousands and even tens of thousands of people have reported that upon completing a liver cleanse they have expelled many dozens and even hundreds of ‘stones’ from the body — large calcified blobs — which are hardened materials ranging in size from a small pea-sized pebble to as big around as a quarter and in some cases even larger. These are multi-colored, yellow, green, in some cases darkened green or even black, and are quite disgusting.

Is it proof that these stones came from the liver and gallbladder? No, it’s not proof, because how would you literally observe where these stones were before they exited someone’s rectum? But, it’s generally deducted by many that these stones were being contained within the gallbladder and liver. Gallstones after all are even common knowledge, while liver stones are much more obscure and not talked about hardly by the general public.

It only makes sense to me that if the liver is becoming overly toxic, that it would actually contain and trap these toxins in the form of hardened, lipid, calcified stones, and these could become congested within the liver and gallbladder. Just like the colon can become all congested and filled with mucus, slime, food particles, and harmful organisms, so too can the liver and gallbladder become swollen and congested with toxic materials.

It’s no wonder why many individual’s livers are functioning at low capacity when tested, oftentimes at just 20% or 30%! This is completely shocking, but over-toxicity of the area and congestion of toxic lipid materials, containing an acid slurry inside of them, could certainly affect these organs from focusing on their job and put them in a state of degeneration, poor function and even an existential threat to the overall well-being of the individual.