How to Maintain Balance

Throughout this journey of detoxification and regeneration, maintaining balance through your own unique struggles, tribulations, and as you overcome your obstacles is a constant necessity. Losing balance runs the risk of faltering and potentially crashing and burning, setting yourself back and causing you to reach your destination much more slowly.

How often will you have to focus on maintaining balance you might wonder? Well, how often does a tightrope walker concentrate on maintaining balance? The reality is that it is a constant and consistent focus in order to succeed quickly.

Balance within the scope of Rapid Regeneration can be a reference to how aggressively are you pursuing your progress towards total cleansing and rebuilding, versus the comfort of eating certain foods which are indulgent and taste good but don’t contribute towards getting you closer to your health goals.

The same is true for exercise, moving the body, and physical activity. If an individual attacks so aggressively going to the gym, doing yoga, and working out every single day, this may be too excessive in the sense that it is not sustainable over extended periods of time. The result of this imbalance may lead to overeating, lack of sleep, a decline in work/job performance, personal relationships being neglected, or other inequities. By the same token, if that same individual nurtured all these other areas sufficiently but only moved their body twice per month (not often enough), then this person winds up with a body that will suffer from underuse and neglect, with problems ranging from muscle atrophy, to excess weight gain, as well as poor circulation and stagnation of the lymphatic fluids. Either extreme leads to an imbalance on one side or the other.

Another key area to consider keeping in balance would be the use of investing in herbal solutions and the utilization of multi-day cleansing regiments to make quantum leaps forward in terms of progress towards your health goals. On the one hand, you may have somebody who is imbalanced in the sense that they are so frugal and tight with money that he refuses to spend anything on herbal health supplements. Although he has a bank account with a healthy surplus, this person may experience an imbalance in never achieving the deep and effective levels of cleansing necessary to really propel his body towards ultimate rejuvenation.

On the other hand, perhaps you have somebody who dives headfirst into herbal supplements — after all there are so many great and powerful tools out there — and deep cleansing programs. This person invests several hundred dollars per month on herbal supplements and is putting forth massive amounts of time and energy going through deep-cleansing multi-day programs, repeatedly in the span of just a few months.

While this aggressive, all-in approach may work for some (and I would hope you are in this position), in this particular hypothetical case, this person earns a meager income and does not have the cash flow on a monthly basis to support this. He is intrigued by the healing power of these herbs, but lacks the money right now to justify the purchases, so is instead building up a large amount of credit card debt. His complete immersion into deep tissue cleansing is affecting his work performance negatively, and although he is experiencing amazing health benefits and results, he is approaching a point of a financial existential crisis as a result.