Meditation — Tapping the Raw Power Within

As you go through detoxification, transformation and regeneration, you will find that your body, mind, and even soul will likely undergo a somewhat radical transformation as it rids itself of old baggage, junk and debris — both physical and non-physical — in order to become a more high-functioning, high-performing version of yourself. Ideally, you might find yourself sort of observing this happening, especially if you are doing a lot of the right things like eating healthy and taking key supplements, and you may feel like you’re in the passenger seat and the changes are just rolling out more or less effortlessly — this is detoxification and regeneration at its best.

To get to this level, some amount of emptiness and blank space is required, meaning that your day should not be filled wall to wall and moment to moment with constant stimulation and over-intellectualization of everything. Our world today pushes us to be either in constant thought and analysis, or to be endlessly entertaining ourselves whether that is with shows, TV, movies, audio programs, or scrolling through infinite social media and internet postings. Studies have shown that this is extremely unhealthy and can lead to all kinds of mental, physiological and emotional deficiencies — however that is a subject for another time and place.

Within the context of getting yourself healthy and well, you want to be in a position where you are just riding along and observing your body and self making amazing transformations. To achieve this, my suggestion is to create some blankness and empty space in your life. I am not saying that you need to sit in a blank windowless room sitting with your knees crossed all day long. This is not realistic considering our busy lives and would likely be redundant anyways. But if you give your body and mind some blank space without stimulation or without your mind constantly trying to control things, then your subconscious mind can take over as well as your nervous system in cleaning house and doing what is obvious to your body that should be done, as long as you provide it with the bandwidth and space in which to do it.

To some extent, this is what you do every night when you sleep and rest and your body knows best what to do while that is happening, both with the actual body and the subconscious mind. Studies have shown that certain forms of meditation can achieve a different yet powerful form of rest for your body and mind that can create benefits distinct from those you get while you are sleeping.

There are many forms of meditation out there, and some of them you can figure out how to do more or less intuitively. You can even do certain activities meditatively, such as driving across town for an errand with no music or audio programs playing and just letting your thoughts and energy flow. Or you can focus your mental efforts to try and visualize scenarios containing the type of scene you wish to create in your life. You can simply lie back on your bed or in an armchair and just feel the positive forces of the universe flow through as you change and transform yourself into a more positive direction. You can do guided meditations to sort of corral your energies towards a certain worthy goal.

There is one type of meditation that I have found to be more powerful and effective than others, and that would be Transcendental Meditation, also commonly called ‘TM’. I learned this technique from an instructor in the TM organization in October of 2022 and I must say it has been quite positively life-changing, not so much in an overt way but in subtle ways.