My Meditation Teacher Meghan Williams — Greater Nervous System Bandwidth through TM (Transcendental Meditation)

(00:00) Introduction
(01:22) How Meghan and Dave know each other
(02:36) How Meghan Williams (Austin, TX TM Instructor) got into TM (Transcendental Meditation) after experiencing anxiety, panic attacks, alcohol abuse
(05:19) Changing from being people-pleasing to being internally regulated as a result of TM (Transcendental Meditation)
(06:20) People struggle with saying no to other people and how TM (Transcendental Meditation) helps with that
(07:11) How I (Dave Escamilla) have personally changed after TM (kinder, gentler, less resistance, better clarity, more vision, better listener)
(08:27) Maharishi’s vision for how to give people enlightenment through TM — he brought it to the Western World (taught the Beatles)
(10:05) Common reaction of learning the technique for the first time (TM, Transcendental Meditation)
(11:31) Increased levity, happiness, more connectedness, more bandwidth, more tolerance, less affected from TM
(12:08) Increased ability to create choice and control and create space through TM
(13:06) What does it mean to create and hold space for yourself and other people and dealing with being ‘externally regulated’
(20:51) How men and women typically relate to each other’s problems
(22:11) The difference between TM and other types of meditation
(25:56) The scientific differences of how the mind behaves during 3 meditation types — focused attention / contemplative AKA guided, open monitoring and self-automated transcendence AKA TM (with respect to gamma, theta and waves)
(32:02) Mechanism of action for TM – how it works
(34:23) The path of enlightenment is different for everyone
(35:57) Comments on psychedelic drugs & plant medicine versus TM
(37:29) Does TM help process through emotional baggage? Is it a substitute for therapy?
(44:23) Understanding creating space and expanding consciousness
(47:46) Reactive versus proactive approach to life
(50:53) Risk of overloading nervous system with certain approaches to enlightenment like psychedelics
(53:34) Overcoming past traumas through TM
(54:42) The price you pay for enlightenment
(56:01) Why does learning TM cost money?
(58:07) Meghan studied with monks for 6 months to learn how to teach TM
(59:25) The TM technique is so easy that people make it hard
(01:00:24) Evolutionary momentum, painful experiences, dealing with change, fulfillment, and versions of yourself over a lifetime
(1:06:04) Dealing with feeling different, building bridges and creating connections with other people
(1:10:13) Will doing TM give somebody ideas for how to solve problems, inspirations and creativity?
(01:13:13) What about the daily time commitment, as people surely have concerns about that being too much
(01:15:47) Challenge of getting the 2nd daily session
(01:18:46) How good you feel when you do TM
(01:19:24) Increased need for TM in modern society with toxic collective consciousness and overstimulation from technology
(01:22:38) Getting out of your own way
(01:24:09) Group Consciousness & Group Coherence based on Unified Field Theory
(01:25:58) What Meghan is up to lately and next

Meghan Williams