Multi-Day Supplement Cleanses for Quick Results

If you have followed the templates as described in this program, regarding ‘Where to Start’, etc., then perhaps you might first and foremost dabble with taking some herbal supplements as a way to get started in closing the gap between where you are now and reaching your health goals.

This is similar to ‘dipping your toe into the water’. I have experienced good and positive results with just supplementing with certain herbal products and in fact that opened up many doorways for me personally to go to the next level.

There is always another, higher level to accelerate your results. The multi-day cleanses are like ‘jumping all the way into the water’. This is an immersive and hopefully transformative experience. My experience personally when doing these for the first time is that revolutionary, metamorphic events occurred and changed my life forever.

There are four basic multi-day cleanses that come to mind:
— Intestinal cleansing
— Liver cleansing
— Parasite / harmful organism cleansing
— Kidney and lymphatic system cleansing / followed by harmful chemical and heavy metal cleansing

After that is completed, you can also continue with:
Extended herbal cleansing for other systems of the body including endocrine glands, immune system, bone and connective tissue, stomach and bowels, neurological / nervous system, or any other targeted areas you feel you need assistance with

My opinion is that these cleanses are best completed in this order. The reason why is because, after all, the colon is like a conveyor belt to remove wastes from the body and should be clean and clear to best facilitate further cleansing.

The liver is so integral to functional well-being, in that it performs over 500 tasks and is essential to proper systemic balance of the body. Without it being cleaned out, and especially if the liver and gallbladder are full of toxic stones, this will be an obstacle to your body healing itself efficiently, so that system should be cleaned out next.

If parasites and harmful organisms are taking over your body, absorbing your nutrients, robbing your energy and expelling wastes in your system, this can cause over-toxicity and be detrimental towards revitalization of yourself, so these organisms must be dealt with and killed off gradually and gently (over a period of about six weeks).

Then, once those main three items are knocked out, now it’s time to address the water-based filtration system of the body, the kidneys and lymphatic system, which you can stimulate using powerful herbal formulas. Stored within the lymphatic system of many people’s bodies also are harmful compounds — harmful chemicals and/or heavy metals that can get held up in the system. There are certain herbs and natural compounds that can pull out this deep-seated chemistry that can wreak havoc on the body especially the neurological tissues. These two strategies work well together, of helping your kidneys filter out the chemicals, and actually assisting in pulling out the chemicals themselves using targeting formulas for both sides of the equation.

Lastly, you can address any other systems that really need extra support like the immune or glandular system to really be provided extra support from Mother Nature. The amazing herbal plants which exist can stimulate and provide divine intelligence to our body’s awareness of healing itself.

At this point, you could also consider using a special form of iodine and/or taking a probiotic for further acceleration of your detoxification, which is covered more extensively in the segment about ‘More Herbal Cleansing’ and in later segments describing the power of that.

This lays out the basic overview of the multi-day cleanses. The intestinal cleanse takes 5 days, the liver cleanse 6 days, the parasite cleanse about 6 weeks, and the kidney and lymphatic cleansing and/or the harmful chemical and heavy metal cleansing should also take about 30 days each (these can be done at the same time).

If you were to complete all four of these initial multi-day cleanses, it would cost roughly $300 — $500 and you would have spent some extra time and energy in completing them and maybe taken a couple days off work or scheduled them around weekends. It would be, in fact, a decent amount of effort and financial resources invested. I would be absolutely shocked if you did not see phenomenal results upon completing this regiment. Personally, I almost couldn’t contain myself over the tremendous increase of energy that I felt.

These cleanses can be completed without radical changes to your diet. They can be done one at a time, and do not all need to be done collectively in order for one of them to work individually.

Good health and well-being really is simple, but we have to undue the damage caused by years and years of overloading our body with toxins, whether unconsciously or consciously. I don’t care who you are or how clean and healthy of a lifestyle you have, these three areas (colon, liver and harmful organisms) are the Achilles’ heels for us all.

We live in amazing times and the fact that these formulas are available in high quality and at reasonable cost is a modern phenomenon that I surely am grateful for because it saved my life — I wouldn’t be where I am without them. I hope you will do the same.

To get started, you can go to:

Thank you for using the link on my website to help my efforts as I wish to pay forwards the help I received when I was first enlightened with this information.

While I divulge many insights and revolutionary information within the scope of Rapid Regeneration, there is nothing else that provides such expedient results to me with this little amount of effort which is why I emphasize this so early on in the program. Everything else is a little more involved in terms of effort and discipline and hard work. This one truly is God’s gift and provides that extra push that is so badly needed in the early stages when somebody is first taking that leap of faith to get themselves out of a personal Hell and onwards to a place where their health afflictions are a thing of the past.

Good luck, and Godspeed ahead!