Multi-Day Supplement Cleanses for Quick Results

[00:00] Introduction
[03:28] Multi-Day Supplement Cleansing is the ideal start to improve health without changing the diet
[04:09] Order of Operations to cleansing — gut cleansing, then liver cleanse, then parasite cleanse
[04:44] Bonus / extra credit 4th cleanse you can do for heavy metal & harmful chemical cleansing slash kidney & lymphatic cleansing
[05:02] Thereafter, you can consider doing extended herbal cleansing of certain systems
[05:37] The logic of why you cleanse the body in this order – gut, liver & gallbladder, parasites & harmful organisms
[09:11] Kidney & lymphatic cleansing combined with harmful chemical & heavy metal cleansing for bonus extra credit
[10:15] How long does extra cleanse take – gut cleansing, liver cleanse, parasite cleanse, kidney cleansing
[11:13] How you might feel after doing the big 3 cleanses — gut cleansing, liver cleanse, parasite cleanse
[12:02] I felt so good after cleansing / detox that I started eating a lot of junk food
[12:40] Additional cleansing to consider of other systems of the body or other supplements
[13:32] That summarizes the basics of the total body cleansing program, now I will detail the nuances of each step in the upcoming episodes
[14:44] Total body cleansing & detox is a shortcut or a head start to heal the body and create good health
[16:08] Where to find the cleanse materials needed —
[17:03] What is the financial commitment of doing these cleanses — How much do they cost?
[20:00] Closing comments