Discerning Outside Threats, Bacteria, Germs and The Immune System

This is a contentious topic, and one where I think you will find there are extreme opinions on both side. On the one hand, you will find people who want you to go through life like a ‘Bubble Boy’, pumping gas while wearing latex gloves, sanitizing hands after each handshake, and living in a sterile environment devoid of any life. On the other end of the spectrum are individuals who would say bring on maximum outside organisms and the more the merrier — touting the beneficial qualities of bacteria inside the body — and so go ahead and eat food off the floor, let people sneeze on you, and French kiss anybody who is willing.

I do acknowledge the amazing power of beneficial bacteria, considering how vast and expansive your microbiome colony is. These helpful probiotic bacteria help to break down matter inside your body, especially acidic toxic materials and waste. When the bacteria consumes this material, they then excretes out the processed toxins in its own waste, which typically has a higher pH (the bacterial waste is more basic/alkaline and less acidic than the original toxins consumed). Therefore, it is easier for the lymphatic system and kidneys to then filter out the remaining chemistry — these bacteria are doing you a big favor.

I can also appreciate the logic behind the immune system getting strengthened and/or conditioned from some level of stimulation from the outside environment. Your immune system is an intelligent network and learns from data inputs. An outside threat gets exposed to your body and then your own defense mechanism builds up an immunity and cellular intelligence to protect against that specific harmful entity. Without any exposure to actual threats, the immune system has nothing to learn from and prepare for and becomes weakened.

Keep in mind the actual need to avoid poisonous toxins and chemical pollutants to your body. For example, dust mites are very common, but are not particularly harmful if consumed into a human body in terms of being an existential biological threat. However, these dust mites create their own wastes, and these wastes within a human body are toxic and acidic and would be detrimental. So the same areas that you may feel like avoiding because of some actual biological threat of a real harmful organism (a dirty floor, a public bathroom toilet, a stray alleycat) are likely to have threats not on a biological level but which are chemically toxic contained within the same area, so it is actually understandable that you would want to avoid contact with certain spaces.

There is also a legitimate logic behind the fact that there are harmful organisms, invasive life forms and parasites that you would not want inside your body — this is the whole point of your immune system. As great as beneficial bacteria is (the body recognizes this so that your immune system doesn’t eliminate this population) there are organisms which your body clearly perceives as threats. Your immune system has very sophisticated methods it uses to identify and eliminate these threats, as well as maintain a natural defense against any future threats of the same nature.

Harmful organism and parasite cleansing is covered in another segment in greater detail, and by now you know that these species are very, very antagonistic towards the healthy, high-level functioning of a human being. It is absolutely understandable for you to wish to avoid exposure to these things in your environment.