Parasite & Harmful Organism Cleansing

After the intestines are cleaned out, and the liver and gallbladder are cleaned out, what next? In my view, there is a clear answer to this, because in all likelihood there is a clear and present threat inside your body still remaining.

I have mentioned before that if an individual is full of acidity, congestion, mucus and toxic waste in their body, whether in the intestines, liver, gallbladder, lymphatic system, areas in between tissues, or elsewhere, it can attract harmful organisms or parasites.

These two terms are interchangeable, and the definition is: An organism that benefits from taking nutrients at another’s expense while living on or inside of another species (the host). The root of the word comes from the Greek word parasitos, meaning para (alongside) and sitos (food) — eating alongside (not really invited).

While parasites typically steal nutrients from the host, many of them also consume rotten, spoiled, putrid and toxic materials. Think about how you can open up the inside of a rotten log, and see all of the bugs and grubs and insects feeding on the waste. So the more toxic and congested you are, the more it invites many of these harmful, invasive species to set up shop inside of you. In a sense, please don’t even try and get mad at them. They are creations in a way that are custodial, designed to clean up and consume the messiest places. Like catfish, they are bottom feeders of sorts, feeding on wastes.

The trouble is, they aren’t beneficial, mutualistic, or commensalistic in terms of the relationship, like birds sitting on a hippos back would be (eating the bugs that would otherwise annoy the hippo). For one thing, after consuming the toxic matter and other fuel inside your body, these organisms constantly create and eliminate their own wastes inside your body. This creates a huge obstacle to overcome, and this constantly gets more widespread as the spigot never turns off. Your body especially liver and kidneys have to work overtime to transmutate those wastes and filter them out.

The parasites also consume good nutrients as well, stealing them and robbing the host of energy. Many people feel lethargic and tired, with low energy levels, especially after eating or even a few hours later. Parasitic factors could be a contributor, considering if you have harmful organisms which are stealing the nutrients from your food, and expelling a bunch of extra waste into your system which is toxic, acidic and harmful.

There is also another gnarly element of parasitology which is the sheer consciousness factor. Having other living creatures existing and residing inside of you — acting as a parasite on you in an uncool way — is an inherently unbalanced, negative, and uncomfortable energy. It can change people’s personalities, dispositions, moods, thoughts and cravings. Surely, you don’t want to live like this!

Speaking of cravings, harmful organisms living inside of somebody can also affect the desires of that person to eat certain ways. This could take the form of somebody eating greater portions or eating more frequently to feed the masses, or eating certain types of foods that will ferment, spoil, and rot — like breads, cheeses, or meats. Remember many parasites thrive on alcohol created from complex foods as well as other rotten acidic by-products and wastes from digestion.

There are many different kinds of harmful life forms which proliferate taking advantage of their hosts — funguses, bacteria (of the non-probiotic variety), worms, flukes, and other parasites.