Harnessing the Power of Crystals

I never was that much interested in crystals under I started to elevate my levels of health, wellness, and energy. After I did so, I did notice that I had grown particularly sensitive to and drawn towards the subtle frequencies given off by crystals. Over the years, I have indulged here and there and have added to my collection which is now substantial.

I am by no means an expert on crystals. Even for those who are, there is some level of mystique surrounding these stones, as much of the insights surrounding them come from intuition, ancient wisdom or pure legend. This includes information about which parts of the body the frequencies of certain crystals are attuned to and can help to improve the function of, as well as what qualities and characteristics of your own personhood can be enhanced by tapping into the vibration of a special rock. How much of this is shown to be true for yourself is something you will have to decide and discern for yourself.

What is true is that for ages these beautiful and colorful rocks have been desired, sought after, mined, collected and even coveted by human beings. Crystals have been a highly-desired object in virtually every known society to have existed, and there is agreement across thousands of languages and cultures attesting to the power of these various stones.

Personally, I like to have beautiful things around me that are high-vibrational and create an energetic atmosphere, so crystals are a natural match with me. I also understand that the vibrational wavelengths given off by certain crystals can possibly act as a buffer against potentially negative and/or harmful energies.

I particularly like Shungite for the purpose of protection and negative energy transmutation. Because we live in a world with so much electronic radiation, even though my home is pretty well insulated from EMFs, I wear a Shungite necklace for extra protection and I keep Shungite crystals around the house. This helps also when I go out in the world where there are so many negative frequencies from technologies, not to mention negative individuals. I also like to keep raw, elite Shungite stones around my electronic devices and in my car. This is regarded as one of the most powerful stones for protecting against negative energies.



I also enjoy keeping Jade stones around, as they are said to help you actualize and create abundance in your life. Citrine is also a good stone for healing and soothing vibrations if you are looking to improve a physical ailment. These are just a few choice crystals among so many good ones. I enjoy keeping a variety of stones around my home, and in my bedroom around where I sleep.

I did get to the point in my health journey where I really made the switch from dramatic, accelerating improvements in my physical health and vitality, to being increasingly wrapped up in the spiritual and existential aspects of this journey. As this was happening, the appeal of crystals grew as I became more meditative and connected with the ever-present consciousness and energy flowing through the universe. I felt that certain crystals could help me to connect to other dimensions beyond the visible light spectrum.

Do be careful as you explore these areas, because the power of crystals can be a double-edged sword. If in fact these stones contain an intelligence to them, then so too would they be able to hang onto energies as they interact with difference forces throughout their lifetime, sort of like baggage in a way. If you add to your collection, you could be inheriting a crystal that still contains the energies from a previous situation that it was in, from another individual or setting. You can help with this by using a stone called selenite to ‘cleanse’ the other crystals and make them into more of a blank slate, and also by ‘programming’ your rock collection by sending each group of crystals of a certain variety your own intentional energy with what you would like them to do for you.

There are so many stones and I won’t pretend to have an extensive insight into all the different ones. All I can recommend is for you to try them out for yourself. Check out your local crystal shop, and see how you interact with the different crystals in there. Definitely support their business if you are going in there, but also keep in mind that you can typically find stones for purchase online at a much lower cost, although just be aware of quality control, as some online sellers will try and pass off stones which are not legitimate or pure in what they are representing. Make sure to check reviews and reputation of the seller.

For more info on stones and sources of good ones, check out:

Crystals are one of the natural elements here on this Earth that we have been provided as part of our experience here, just like water, food, magnetism and air. Go ahead and give them a try and see what kind of energies that stirs up for you and which direction that takes you in.

Good luck, and have fun with it!