The Power of Grounding / Earthing

When I discovered the power of grounding, it was revolutionary in my own journey of healing and elevation. I crossed paths with this information at exactly the right time. When this happened, in early 2022, I was clean and healthy and my main health problems had been long solved, but I was feeling at the end of my rope. I was feeling ragged, like I had run up against a a wall. Something was wrong, and I couldn’t figure out what.

The earth actually constantly gives off a harmonious, healing frequency. In the world of physics — or electro-chemical-physics to be exact — when studied closely, the molecules of the earth’s surface exist in a state where they are constantly giving off a flow of free electrons. This abundant flow of extra electrons will transfer to an object that is conductive which makes contact with the earth, such as a human being who walks barefoot on grass or dirt which is connected to the earth. Stone or cement is generally less conductive and in many cases only semi-conductive or not conductive at all, depending on the material.

This is why power and cable lines are grounded, as well as the electrical setup in most civilized houses or apartment buildings — it’s connected to a copper rod which is shoved three feet into the earth’s surface. This creates a natural, balanced electrical buffer which will protect the electrical systems against shocks and stresses that natural happen. We too as living electrical beings need the same balance just as much if not more than our electrical technology does.

There are so many studied and proven benefits to connecting a human body with a grounded plane — a free-flowing source of electrons which puts the cells of the body into a self-healing state. Reduced inflammation and cortisol response (closely related to stress) are chief results, among so many other well-documented findings.

Outdoor grounding is a great way to plug into this powerful source. Definitely try it sometimes, and use it when you can.
Achieving this balance is as simple as going outside, taking your shoes off, and connecting barefoot to the Earth’s surface.

There are also other products you can use as a substitute, which are still shown to be effective when studied. This involves connecting an electrically active conduit (a mat, for example) to the same electrical lines which connect to the copper grounding rod outside of your home. This allows the conduit mat to remain grounded, just as the electrical setup in the home (if installed properly) is also grounded via the grounding rod. The conduit is attached to a product, either via carbon mats which are conductive, or via silver thread which is woven into sheet fabric which is also conductive.

The conduit is run like a wire, connecting with the conductive parts of the mat or sheet, and plugs into the grounded part of your electrical socket on your wall (the 3rd hole which is lower and in the center). This grounded part of the socket connects with the electrical wiring and ultimately connects with the copper grounding rod outside.

These products include
— Mats which can be placed on your desk to make contact with your hands or arms, or on the floor beneath your desk and connected with bare feet
— Fitted and cover sheets for your bed made from cotton with silver conductive threads
— Pillowcases
— Attachments which can be applied to a specific body part needing healing using tape or adhesive material