Probiotics to Assist Alkaline Body Chemistry

Probiotics are a natural assistant to the lymphatic system and kidneys, because these beneficial probiotic bacteria live mainly in the gut, lymphatic system and lymph nodes, and will consume and break down highly acidic matter. When they are finished consuming the acids, the end result is matter which is still acidic but less acidic. The PH of acids can drop from very acidic to moderately acidic, after being consumed and broken down by probiotic bacteria. This does your kidneys a favor, by alkalizing the chemistry and making it that much easier to then filter out via the urinary system.

There are also other benefits and functions of probiotic bacteria, including being involved in the synthesis of compounds such as certain B Vitamins, which are used by the body for essential and critical functions.

If you eat raw, living foods, they will naturally contain healthy amounts of probiotics. This is one of the benefits of not cooking food, as cooking food will kill the beneficial bacteria. In this sense, if you are eating a generous selection of raw foods (ideally organic) then you are supplementing yourself in the process with probiotics without really the need to buy extra supplement products.

There are however a few compelling reasons to consider additional supplementation with a probiotic formulation, depending on your situation. For example, some individuals have taken so many rounds of antibiotics during their lifetime that their colonies of beneficial bacteria inside their bodies were largely destroyed numerous times and haven’t been able to regain their robust state back. Seeing as how antibiotics are prescribed so quickly and aggressively at least here in the USA, then consider fighting fire with fire and infiltrating your body with powerful strains of helpful bacteria.

Also, if somebody has eaten a lot of foods which are particularly irritating, like garlic, onions, peppers and spicy foods, this can also have a detrimental effect and kill off not only bad bacteria but also good ones. And so somebody who has eaten much of this food might consider repopulating themselves at an extra level by supplementing with probiotics.

Also, taking a supplement form of probiotics can be especially key after doing the colon and/or liver cleanse because the entire gut gets flushed out pretty thoroughly within the course of that. The ingredients in the colon cleanse in particular will literally blast the walls of the colon with oxygen and cause clearing out of much slime and debris from the colon. This is great for the purposes of the cleanse, except that this may be the habitat for beneficial bacteria to live and a significant segment of their population may also get deported from the body when this happens.

Some individuals advocate for drinking a shot of apple cider vinegar as an inexpensive way to also get more probiotic bacteria inside of the body. I can also see the logic of this. Personally, when I was early on in my detox and healing journey, I would drink a shot of this stuff nightly and I feel as though it did help me in this way. Nowadays, the thought of drinking vinegar does make me pucker up a bit and it’s not really for me.

Ultimately, the goal is to get to the point where taking supplements in the form of pills, or even drinking fermented apple juice, would not be called for. Once you get your body into a balance, and are eating healthier and giving it a steady supply of fresh, uncooked foods with beneficial bacteria included, then you should achieve a natural sort of balance that doesn’t require contrived stimulation from a supplementation standpoint.

In the meantime, or if you are at any of these crossroads listed above, or just have never tried extremely high-quality probiotics and wish to give it a try to see how you feel, here is the best quality probiotic supplement I have found in my research: