Raw Foods to Consider Avoiding

This segment more than any other will probably earn me the most criticism, especially from those in the raw food world who are supporting the same mission that I am on — which is to spread this message of self-healing and get information out there on how people can alkalize their bodies and empower themselves to solve their own health problems.

What I have found is that, just because a food is raw, doesn’t mean it is suitable for humans to consume. After all, there are individuals out there who consume raw meat and raw fish, but there are numerous issues with doing that including major acidity, putrefaction inside the intestines, and an open invitation to all kinds of parasites. There are less extreme examples of raw ingredients in nature — like certain tree banks, roots and grasses — which are still disagreeable or could even be poisonous to humans.

With nearly all fruits being your best friends, plus vegetables, herbs, some certain seeds, and other nuts very occasionally, then we will now get into the other raw foods which people so often consume. It took me years — well over five years — to come to realize some of this information and start using it myself. In fact I wish that I had been taught this much earlier on, as I believe that it could have allowed me to make much more swift progress and achieve my health goals much faster.

My suggestion is simply to elevate your knowledge of these things, and make sure you have a complete understanding of the energy of these different foods. This will allow you to have a higher level of awareness about what is going on. Then, you can decide what to do, and whether you wish to avoid all of these foods or some of them. If you wish to eat some of these ingredients anyway, you can pair your experience of eating them with the knowledge of some of these adversarial qualities and consider whether it is still worthwhile for you to eat them anyway, stop eating them so frequently, just enjoy them occasionally, or avoid them altogether.

Nightshades: Tomatoes, Eggplants, Peppers
Peppers / Hot / Spicy Foods
Onions, Leeks, Chives
Cacao / Chocolate
Cruciferous Vegetables
Excessive Salt & Salty Foods
Fermented Foods
Refined Sugar
Grains, Beans, Starches, Overly Starchy Vegetables and Fruits
Avocado, in Excess
Coconut, in Excess
Nuts and Seeds, in Excess
Nutritional Yeast
Certain Teas
Carbonated Water

I want to be clear that this chapter is all about extra credit — everything is relative, after all. If you were just recently eating burgers, French Fries, pasta, cookies and sweets, then going to any version of eating more raw foods is going to be a zillion times better and you should expect to see massive improvements in alleviating your heath problems and promoting your overall wellness.

If you are transitioning from a diet of cooked, acid-forming foods, then please do not worry too much about all these nuances for now — consider it for a later time, after you have swung much closer to the alkaline side of chemistry and transitioned into more of a healthy lifestyle, eating many fruits, raw foods, and herbs.

The higher up you go in terms of achieving your goals and elevating your vibrations, you will likely find that you’ll feel bottlenecked or roadblocked from some direction, or like you’re slowed down to some degree in achieving your wellness goals. If you are experiencing that, then this would be a good time to actually heighten your level of awareness about the different consciousness and qualities that exist within different raw ingredients.

Good luck!