The Role of Exercise in a Healthy Individual

To say that exercise is an important tenet of getting yourself healthy and well is especially redundant. I don’t want to sit here and beat you over the head with basic facts that you already learned from your 5th grade gym teacher. But I would be remiss not to cover this important topic. Getting the body moving is essential on so many levels.

The reality is, we are all meant to be natural athletes. Mother Nature designed human beings to do certain things like lift heavy objects, compound force onto objects using tools, sprint, climb, as well as pleasure each other physically which can also be quite the endeavor. We’re not the most natural of fighters in that it seems like the body of a human is more designed as a gatherer than a hunter, but we also have through the millennia required a natural strength and ability to defend ourselves from other species and protect ourselves against the natural elements.

Look around today, however, and you will notice that the average individual is far from athletic. If Rapid Regeneration is about discovering the ultimate innate power in ourselves as beings — pursuing the foods, methods and lifestyles that bring out our full potential — then we too should consider that the ideal human figure is one which is athletic, physically elegant, and possessing strength, agility, quickness and stamina.

There is no way to make yourself athletic without exercise. No matter how healthy you want to eat, how many supplements you want to take, or how much meditation you want to practice, there are benefits you will miss out on by not exercising.

Some benefits of exercising and maintaining certain physical shape and athleticism include:
— Weight management
— Cardiovascular condition / respiratory condition / not getting out of breath as much
— Better oxygen retention
— Higher energy levels
— Better sleep and falling asleep faster
— Increased hormone production
— Increased levels of libido and superior bedroom performance
— Stimulation of your metabolism
— Stimulation of the skin by sweating
— Detoxification through breathing and the respiratory system
— Oxygenation of certain areas of the body that are otherwise hard to reach
— Stimulation of the lymphatic system through the movement of the body, forcing body fluids to move more and encouraging lymphatic filtration

I don’t want to beat a dead horse here because it’s such a simple and straightforward subject, but figuring out how to move your body is 100% absolutely essential to getting yourself healthy and well. If you’re old or completely out of shape and the farthest thing from athletic — you’ve got to start somewhere. Get some hand-squeezers. Get some two-pound weights. Do a plank. Do a crunch and hold it in position. Try do something to crawl your way back to how nature intended for us to be throughout our lifetimes — physical and athletic to some degree. You can do it.

Otherwise, if you do nothing at all, you’re just declining, weakening, and circling the drain. As this is happening, your muscles continue to atrophy, your heart and respiratory system weakens, your circulation becomes more anemic, your lymphatic fluids stagnate, and overall you’re just letting yourself go — I know this is not the path for you!

You can do it! Forget about all the things that have been told to you over the years which are negative and hurtful that could cause you to doubt yourself. The truth is, you have it in you to do it. Just do something to get started, and start with something little every day, or every other day, or every week at least. Then reward yourself, and then do it again. So go ahead — do it now!