The Role of Vegetables in a Healthy Diet

We’ve looked at the role of fats, and we will look at the role of nuts and seeds. We have certainly looked at the important central role of fresh, ripe fruits. What about the role of vegetables?

“Eat your vegetables,” your mother would always say to you — remember that? “No dessert until you clear your plate.” Vegetables have been touted as the healthiest foods out there and have earned that spot in popular culture, as well as among mainstream diet practitioners and people in the medical field.

I think that after reviewing the information within Rapid Regeneration, it becomes clear that the fruits are the real star of the show. Vegetables don’t even come close to having the electrical, regenerative, raw power contained within fruits. In fact, vegetables do vibrate at a lower frequency in terms of angstroms, containing overall less electrical energy at around 8,000 to 9,000 angstroms, with fruits possessing in excess of 10,000 or more angstroms.

The other issue with vegetables is the fibrous nature of their texture and cellulose content. While fiber can be considered a good thing and act as a sort of ‘broom’ on the GI tract overall, excessive fiber and cellulose can be overwhelming to the body. Many vegetables are plant structures which are suited to be eaten by herbivores, with differently styled grinding teeth, multiple stomachs, and an extra long GI tract — while fruit is much more easily chewed and digested by humans given our different anatomy.

Vegetables are lower in simple sugar content and lower overall in fuel — fruits are much more densely packed with calories and simple sugars. Once you get up and running on a healthy and energetic consumption of foods, especially cutting out excessive fat and protein, you may find that you start burning through a lot of energy and it takes a lot calorically to sustain the energy levels you have. It is difficult to get this from vegetables because of the sheer amount of calorie units required.

With all said that, now that we have considered what vegetables are not, compared with fruits, let’s look at how vegetables can help you to achieve your health goals and transform your status of wellness from where it is now to where you want it to be.

Vegetables can be a good source of minerals, and even more so that fruits in some cases. Just be sure to be mindful of farming practice of where the food comes from. If a vegetable is commercial grown by Big Agri, then it may not actually be that mineral-dense. This is also a concern with fruits lacking in essential minerals due to poor soil content. Because of this problem, I like to consume daily a high-quality source of dried barley grass juice powder, which is a great naturally occurring source of sodium and so many other minerals, vitamins and nutrients.

Here is the concentration that I personally consume:

Vegetables can be a good source of fiber. You may crave this at certain points, if you are in tune with your gut, and if you are needing a good ‘sweep’ of the GI tract, in which case adding a pound of lettuce or a stalk of celery into a smoothie may provide you with that extra boost of fiber which can help you.

Vegetables provide variety. You can make a nice big salad using crunchy, fresh lettuces and other veggies. Do note that some things which are commonly referred to as vegetables, like cucumber, zucchini, peppers, and tomatoes, are actually fruits!

If you are in need of a cheat meal, you can eat a meal of cooked vegetables, and this is probably the least bad thing you could eat in terms of acidic foods or if you are going to eat a cooked meal. Steaming your vegetables is probably the least acidic way to cook them and preserves the most nutrients and energy. Although I try and be as well-behaved as I can most of the time, I of course greatly enjoy a big plate of steamed vegetables.

Vegetables can be used for texture, flavor, and to spice up the types of meals you prepare. There are many recipes out there which can still be very healthy and/or raw preparations of dazzling foods, including using a dehydrator for more advanced raw food preparation. Many of the delicious and savory herbs and spices out there come from vegetables.

Vegetables are also great for juicing, which solves the issue of some of these plants being too fibrous and rough to chew in their raw forms. For any of you individuals out there who are into building lean muscle mass and strength, get a load of the amazing amino acids and nutrition in a big serving of fresh vegetable juice — incredible!

Let’s not forget, perhaps most importantly, our amazing friends in the botanical world — the magical herbs which can be so powerful and helpful when consumed, either fresh and raw, dried in a capsule, extracted in a liquid tincture or glandular, or brewed in a tea. These herbs — which have been used for thousands of years to help achieve wellness— have been on this planet for so long and possess a divine intelligence which helps maintain the balance of plants and animals and nurture that special relationship between the two. They are non-hybridized vegetables, and are my most favorite kind of vegetables.

It is worth noting that — unlike fruits which are basically universally benevolent — not all vegetables are digested and processed harmoniously within the human body. Therefore, you should be more selective with which vegetables you eat (this is detailed in the upcoming segment ‘Raw Foods to Consider Avoiding’).

Vegetables are fine and dandy, especially if you are already cleaned out, detoxified, and operating at your ideal level in terms of your health and wellness — or if you really need some variety.

If you are far away from where you want to be health-wise, if I were you I would not even waste time playing around with vegetables, as they don’t have the highest level of electrical energy potential for you or cleansing ability. I would go all-in on fruits, and of course would make an important exception for vegetable juices, green powder and herbs. Use the tools you have until you get where you want to be!