Sinus Rinsing with Neti Pot

Cleaning out your sinuses with a Neti pot is one of the age old techniques that is common knowledge and is an example of traditional therapeutic techniques which have been adapted into mainstream culture and your mother may have even helped you out with this one. I would prefer not to risk redundancy, and yet I feel this one must be mentioned because it is so effective.

Water is the universal solvent, and forcing water in by means of gravity and leverage to cleanse out the sinus areas can help greatly with anybody who has experienced issues with ears, nose, throat, mouth, eyes, brain, nervous system, neck and head.

Some people like to mix in a saline (natural salt) solution with hot water and then use the Neti pot while the water is still warm. Personally, I still feel substantial benefit while just doing regular, purified water at room temperature with no salt added. Try for yourself and see what helps you the most.

You can find the Neti pot here:

Need I say more? Go ahead and keep cleaning yourself out. If this is an area of your body that really resonates with you to get some extra cleansing in, your body should resonate with this and send you a signal to continue the rinsing.

Good luck!