Getting the Most Out of Your Sleep

So many of the benefits you will get from the transformation of yourself will occur when you are fast asleep. Pro athletes will tell you that, as much as they work during the daytime, the actual rest, recovery, and building of new muscle occurs at nighttime while they are unconscious.

As you go through this process of detoxification and regeneration, rest is such an important factor. However, with the world we live in and the constant pressure, I realize that many individuals cannot afford to take a walk around the garden in the morning, do yoga, take a long meditation in the afternoon, and do things like this during the day. It’s just not always realistic to fit that into somebody’s schedule given the day-to-day demands of making a living or raising a family.

For me personally, I struggled a lot with this over the years because my days were jam-packed with working my butt off and trying to put myself in a better position and solve some economic problems I was having. This caused me to neglect to a certain degree what so many natural wellness people will tell you about taking personal time for yourself and enjoying the present moment.

First of all, try and keep your room as dark as possible that you are sleeping in. This can be a bit challenging and could perhaps take an afternoon of creative thinking and handiwork. The idea is to try and replicate the experience of you being in a cave, from an anthropological point of view. The deeper you are in a cave, the darker it would be, and the most deeply you would be able to slumber. This makes natural sense, because the more deeper and insulated your shelter was back in the old days (in the cave), the more protected you would be from threats, so it would make sense for you to be able to sleep more deeply.

There are actually numerous studies and scientific investigations confirming that the darker your sleep environment is, the more meaningful rest you will get — so don’t just take it from me.

Personally, I sleep in the pitch black. It takes some getting used to, but once you do, let me tell you — it will be the deepest and most effective sleep you have ever had.

Another thing you may consider doing is lowering the temperature in which you sleep — and again, please don’t take it from me. There have been so many scientific confirmations especially from the pro athlete community that recovery and rebuilding of tissue occurs faster and more effectively at a lower temperature. You are ultimately like a piece of produce — you will last longer and stay fresher when kept in the cold. The colder temperature will also encourage alkalizing benefits of the body, as cold is naturally alkalizing to body chemistry.

I would be remiss not to mention the benefits you can get of sleeping using a fitted sheet, top sheet, and pillowcases made from fabric which has silver threads sewn in, and a connecting plug which is plugged into the grounding outlet on a wall socket. This therefore connects the silver conductive thread to the frequency of the grounding rod which is buried three feet into the nearby earth (you can learn more details in another segment when I cover Grounding / Earthing in greater detail). I can’t overemphasize how intensely good it feels to snuggle up under the covers being surrounding by this frequency, feeling my body heal and repair itself as I lie there resting, and how much more clarity and energy I have felt upon waking after putting this into place.

Also, how about the air you are breathing while slumbering? It should be clean and pure as possible. I use an air purifier for my room. I actually also enjoy using a humidifier as well, filling it with water from my shower (filtered by my shower filter) and this seems to be quite soothing and relaxing.