
Much of natural healing, detoxification, putting healthier things into your body, and transforming yourself into a healthier, happier individual is intuitive and is as much art as it is science. I find that too much of the world of improving well-being is overly nerd-ified and is based on opinions of how we should interpret certain data and quantifications of measurable science. Many appointed so-called experts are simply repeating somebody else’s opinion. Sadly, in their academic schooling, these bright young students are taught what to think and not how to think.
I have found in my own journey, and in observing the success and/or failure of others, that intuition, instinct, creativity and even artistic nuance is very important to having success in terms of healing yourself and getting yourself healthy and well. I am certainly not the nerdiest of natural wellness researchers out there and I rely heavily on my own instinct because it rarely leads me astray.
With all that said, as I’ve grown older, more experienced, and (hopefully) wiser, I have come to appreciate data that much more. Your body is full of data, just waiting for you to extract it. Some data is very palpable, like looking at yourself naked in the mirror, or taking a photo of your eyes and interpreting it (AKA iridology). Some data requires scientific tools and devices and chemists in order to extrapolate intelligible information about what is going on inside your body.
When you get results from quantifiable data, like testing your blood, your genes, your urine, or your hair, it is worth taking with a grain of salt. You have to consider that whatever metrics are considered in the ‘normal’ range were made up at some point as being considered normal. But with that said, don’t be so skeptical that you never take action as a result of potentially helpful information. You have to use your own power of discernment to figure out what recommendations you should rely on and trust in terms of where your measurable levels are at and where they ought to be. Also, please note that I am not a doctor or medical professional or nutritionist, and if it’s medical advice you seek then seek out a medical professional and the same goes for a nutritionist.
Testing the body’s tissues is an extremely helpful tool. The cost is very reasonable to get certain tests and the results are extremely revealing in terms of letting you know what areas of the body perhaps need extra special assistance. For years, I took the shot-in-the-dark approach to supplementation, following my intuition and buying supplements depending on what I was estimating that I was needing. This is not the worst thing and probably better than not supplementing at all, but there is a more effective approach involving testing.
Take Vitamin D3 as an example — how do you know how much D3 you might consider taking, if you don’t know how much D3 is circulating in your blood? Or take certain B Vitamins as another example — wouldn’t you like to know if you have certain genetic mutations with extremely low enzymatic activity which could be assisted by certain B Vitamins? Or look at an essential trace mineral like iodine — this is a controversial element and there is a risk of over-supplementation, so before jumping in and consuming iodine tablets left and right, should you find out what iodine levels are existing within the body beforehand?
Let’s explore each modality of testing to gain a better understanding.
Blood Testing:
The blood is considered as per conventional wisdom to be one of the main tools for testing what is going on in the body. It is indeed helpful to find out what is going on in the blood. Of course it doesn’t tell the whole story, because the blood is in constant flux and doesn’t really reflect the lymphatic cleaning systems of the body where many health problems originate — but it can still tell you a lot.
This list is not exhaustive, but some measurements which would be helpful to ascertain from a blood test would be:
— Blood sugar regulation (Glucose, Hemoglobin A1c, Insulin)
— Kidney function (Creatinine, BUN, eGFR)
— Mineral and electrolyte levels (Sodium, Potassium, Chloride, Carbon Dioxide, Calcium, Magnesium)
— Liver measurements indicating efficiency of liver function (Albumin, Globulin, Bilirubin, Alkaline Phosphatase, AST, ALT)
— Vitamin D3 levels
— Cholesterol levels and Triglycerides (fats)
— Homocysteine, C-Reactive Protein (to help indicate levels of inflammation)
— Thyroid function (TSH, T4, T3, TPO, TG)
— Hormone levels (Cortisol, Testosterone, LH, FSH, DHEA-Sulfate, Estradiol, Insulin-Like Growth Factor)
— Blood health (CBC, RBW, Hemoglobin, Hematocrit, MCV, MCH, MCHC, RDW, Platelets)
— Immune system function (Neutrophils, Lymphocytes, Monocytes, Eosinophils AKA Eos)
You can get a fairly comprehensive blood test for around $100, but it likely will not include every single one of these measurements. You may need to order additional tests for targeted areas of interest unless you can find a practitioner who can place an order at a lab to run all of these tests in one. Although you can learn a lot just by reading your own results, it also would be of great value to have a professional help you interpret the results who is well-versed in the modalities of natural wellness.
You can find a fairly comprehensive panel at the below link with many of those measurements on there. This would involve you going into a lab and having your blood drawn which is a service available in virtually all cities in the US:
There are also numerous other blood tests that you can do that can give you actionable data about what’s going on in your body, so you can test more specifically and zoom in to certain areas of the body as desired. One of the most common low levels to be found in the blood is for Vitamin D3. If you are simply interested in testing your blood for Vitamin D3, which is covered more in depth in another segment, you can do that yourself for around $100 which includes two tests. This test requires that you take a prick of blood and mail it in from the convenience of your home. You can find that here:
Obviously stabbing yourself in the artery with a tiny needle and sucking out blood like you would with a comprehensive blood test — creating a small wound that must heal in the process — has its downsides from the point of view of mildly injuring the body, and so there is some level of invasiveness to find out this information. I wouldn’t want to do it too frequently, but I find it to be worthwhile and fascinating to find out unique personal data that can help guide your way.
Urine Testing:
Another window into your body is through your urine, which will indicate what is being excreted out of the body via the lymphatic system, the kidneys and the urinary tract. One thing that would come highly recommended to test in your urine would be levels of iodine. You can get both a spot and loading test to indicate your current sitting levels of iodine, as well as how much iodine you absorb in the body versus excrete out via the urine when an iodine tablet is consumed. Those tests run about $100 and you can find them here:
Another test that is indicated by the urine would be a test indicating levels of B12 in the body. This test is not an actual test of B12 levels, like the blood test measures, but actually measures uMMA which is an indirect indicator of levels of B12 in the body’s tissues (outside of the blood). Some experts believe this is a more reliable measure of B12 levels as compared with testing for actual B12 in the blood, but that even the uMMA test is still not really a completely comprehensive confirmation test for B12 levels. In some situations it can still be better to have some information (that you take with a grain of salt) than no information. You can get this test completed for around $150 and can find it here:
There are also other tests via the urine that you can do, such as testing for bromide, fluoride, heavy metals or other toxic substances.
Hair Testing:
The hair also contains a bevy of information about what is going on in the body. It will show you a very steady collection of information about what has been going on inside of you over multiple months, whereas when the blood or urine get tested while levels are constantly changing and in flux.
The hair can be tested for mineral levels and especially mineral ratios. The body is an extremely complex machine, and full of synergies and nuances. Minerals don’t exist in a vacuum, and many minerals require other minerals to balance each other out and effectively be employed by the cells in the body to perform various functions. The ratios themselves — of how much of one mineral exists in the body as compared with another — can be even more important than the actual separate quantities of each mineral.
Important mineral ratios that the hair testing can indicate are:
— Calcium / Magnesium
— Calcium / Potassium
— Sodium / Magnesium
— Sodium / Potassium
— Zinc / Copper
— Calcium / Phosphorous
Once you start reading into these different ratios, you can see that this area seems to be both science and art and can become very complex very quickly. Also keep in mind that the so-called ideal ratios of these elements are based on somebody’s opinion of what ideal is supposed to look like — but also keep in mind that there are individuals who have studied body chemistry for lifetimes and do have good expertise in terms of generating an opinion about what mineral ratio levels are ideal for optimum functioning of the body.
This could ultimately give you actionable information in terms of supplementation, or in terms of eating certain foods — for example you could figure out how to get more sodium, or more zinc, or more magnesium into your diet or even consider specific supplementation. But also keep in mind that interpreting this data is not always necessarily this simple, because you also have to consider the processing of these minerals that the body will employ before these fixed mineral ratios wind up in your hair — not just how much of these minerals you are consuming.
For example, you might think consuming more zinc is the most intuitive way to increase the zinc/copper ratio, but if you consume more Vitamin C, this actually can have a tendency to decrease levels of copper absorption in the body, therefore balancing out the zinc/copper ratio from the other end of the spectrum (by lowering copper). Another example is that somebody could be consuming high amounts of natural healthy sources of calcium, but they may be eating acidic foods, or smoking, or doing something that acidifies the body. Consequently, the existing calcium content of the body can be pulled out of tissues in order to buffer these acid-forming events. The result can be low levels of calcium, but this cannot always be adequately solved simply by consuming additional calcium — in fact the better solution would be to stop whichever activity is causing the body to become acidified and drive down those calcium levels.
You can get a comprehensive hair test done for about $150 whereby you collect a small sample and mail it in from the comfort of your home. There are only a few labs which have the highest reputation for excellence and accuracy. I would recommend this particular resource here:
Genetic / DNA Testing:
Genetic testing is a fascinating development that has exploded in the last few decades which involves taking a swab of your cheek inside your mouth with a Q-tip and mailing it in. The genes in this sample are then tested for certain qualities. The results indicate how your specific DNA is functioning in certain ways and the results can be fascinating.
There are a zillion different things that you could test about your DNA, and you could spend a whole lot of money and attention doing tests which go down all kinds of different rabbit holes. For example, you can find out your heritage, ethnicity, and where your ancestors were from in terms of approximate geography. There’s numerous other DNA tests as well that will tell you about things going on in the body but which are not really relevant to improving wellness, such as whether you have a cleft chin, a widow’s peak hairline, or a proclivity for crow’s feet around your eyes.
The most helpful genetic information that I have come across has to do with the methylation genes of the body. This indicates how the cells are processing certain elements and either functioning or not functioning as a result of these processes being carried out efficiently, or not — for example because of a genetic mutation causing a subpar or even an extremely low level of enzymatic activity. The result of this mutation can be unprocessed elements in the body which don’t provide the necessary methylated compounds to the next phase in the body’s processing. This dysfunction can create excess materials which are not broken down properly and can then create obstructions in the body that have to be detoxified out.
The test can reveal whether you received no mutations for a certain gene, or whether you received a mutation from one side of your family (either your mother or father), or whether you received mutations from both sides. Receiving this mutation from one side generally indicates that the cellular function is repressed significantly, and is functioning at approximately half of where a regular functioning gene would be. A mutation from both sides can indicate that the method of gene action is extremely dysfunctional, and the function is a small fraction that may even be close to zero percent function, as compared with a normal gene with no mutation.
There are numerous methylation genes, but there are five in particular which seem to offer the most valuable insight into what is going on inside your body, what problems you may have experienced your entire life as a result (without understanding the source), and what you can do about it:
–The MTHFR gene breaks down folate (Vitamin B9) and folic acid into methylfolate which is integral to a series of later processes within the body.
— If this gene is mutated and the enzymatic activity is suppressed, this means that folate and folic acid inside of your body are not sufficiently being broken down.
— Folic acid is added to nearly all processed grain products in the USA and so if somebody with this mutation is also eating an abundance of processed grain products, this can exacerbate the problems.
— The MTHFR gene is responsible for preliminary methylation, which gives other genes later in the chain the compounds they need subsequently and is interconnected with all the major methylation genes.
— Therefore, just one of the issues with suppressed MTHFR function is that it can eventually lead to excessive levels of homocysteine in the body which can be inflammatory.
— A lack of methylfolate due to suppressed MTHFR function can also later on in the cycle lead to lower than optimal levels of SAM-e and low levels of neurotransmitter production.
— Adequate levels of methylfolate are also needed for detoxification and antioxidant effects within the body by helping to create glutathione.
— Somebody with this MTHFR gene mutation may experience intestinal/gut issues, metabolism issues, hearing issues, spinal problems, infertility, excessive inflammation, feelings of sadness, anxiousness, or anger, issues with the mind, and/or sleep problems.
— If somebody is experiencing an MTHFR mutation because the enzymatic activity is suppressed, he or she may benefit greatly by supplementing with a methylated form of folate (Vitamin B9), AKA methylfolate, approximately in the amount of 1 mg (1,000 mcg) once daily in the morning.
— It seems like most individuals do well with a lower dosage of this methylfolate closer to 1 mg per day. However, it is worth mentioning there are reports of some individuals having much better results increasing to around 3 or 4 mg per day or in some cases even a very high dosage even up to 10 mg per day. Do consider exercising caution, starting with a low dosage and being careful in this regard.
— An individual with this MTHFR issue may also be at increased risk for lower levels of Vitamin B12 in his or her body. Therefore, he or she may want to consider supplementing with Vitamin B12 in the form of methylcobalamin, hydroxocobalamin, or adenosylcobalamin (avoid cyanocobalamin), approximately 1,000 to 2,000 mg per day, with some individuals responding better to a higher dosage such as 5,000 mg per day.
You can find a high quality methylfolate here:
And Vitamin B12 here:
— The MTR gene helps to control homocysteine and convert it into methionine (an amino acid made by the body but also found in some foods). The methionine that is created has many uses within the body including helping to manufacture proteins that affect body and brain processing.
— With a lack of MTR functionality, it results in elevated homocysteine. Excessive homocysteine can raise blood pressure and overall increase levels of inflammation throughout the body.
Methionine is needed to break down neurotransmitters. Depressed levels of methionine can result in the brain becoming overactive and unable to concentrate, quiet down and prioritize effectively.
— This MTR mutation imbalance can also lead to mental issues of all kinds relating to neurotransmitters, whether this is related to mood, happiness, excessive sadness, instability, inability to concentrate, hyperactivity, nervousness or anxiousness.
Somebody with this mutation may especially experience anger issues, a notorious temper, or even incidents of rage.
— A mutation can cause problems with digestive and gut issues especially with the small and large intestines because this gene also helps control the intestinal tract. An MTR gene mutation can also contribute to issues with thyroid and metabolism.
— A mutation of MTR with reduced enzyme activity can also cause a lack of Vitamin B12 to be present which is needed for other reactions in the full methylation cycle.
— If somebody is experiencing an MTR mutation because the enzymatic activity is suppressed, he or she may benefit greatly by supplementing with the entire family of B Vitamins. This includes: Vitamin B1 (Thiamine), Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin), Vitamin B3 (Niacin), Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid), Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine), Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin), and Vitamin B7 (Biotin).
You can find a supplement which contains all of these B Vitamins, although it would be prudent to still consider supplementing B12 and methylfolate separately (depending on your genetics and the other gene mutations), or even each individual B Vitamin separately, depending on the dosage and protocol that works best for you. You can find the full B-complex supplement here:
You can also find high quality forms of each individual compound listed below.
Vitamin B9 (Folate) in the form of methylfolate
1 mg per day but also refer to the MTHFR section for additional nuance (and avoid folic acid)
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)
15 mg to 400 mg 1 to 7 times per week
Vitamin B3 (Niacin)
110 mg to 375 mg 1 to 7 times per week
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)
100 mg to 200 mg 1 to 7 times per week
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)
50 mg to 200 mg 1 to 7 times per week
Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid)
100 mg to 500 mg 1 to 7 times per week
Vitamin B12 (Methylcobalamin)
1,000 to 5,000 mg per day of methylcobalamin, hydroxocobalamin, or adenosylcobalamin (avoid cyanocobalamin), or as needed
Vitamin B7 (Biotin)
150 mcg to 8,000 mcg 1 to 7 times per week
You can also refer to the segment regarding B Vitamins for more nuance and more specific information.
— The MTRR gene is further responsible for homocysteine control and reducing levels of homocysteine which subsequently increases the levels of methionine. This is similar to the process that happens with MTR in terms of manufacturing methionine but occurs at a different stage in the methylation cycle.
— An MTRR mutation can cause problems with the gut and digestive issues, especially with the stomach and esophagus.
— A lack of methionine can cause a neurotransmitter imbalance whereby the individual has a problem quieting thoughts and letting go of thought patterns and so the mind can get quite crowded and cluttered.
— If somebody is experiencing an MTRR mutation because the enzymatic activity is suppressed, he or she may benefit greatly by consuming:
— Vitamin B12, approximately 1,000 to 2,000 mg per day or as needed, with some individuals responding better to a higher dosage such as 5,000 mg per day. I would only consider B12 supplementation in the form of methylcobalamin, hydroxocobalamin, or adenosylcobalamin (avoid cyanocobalamin).
— The other B Vitamins mentioned before which are helpful for the MTR mutation are also critical for MTRR as well
— The AHCY gene is involved with creating homocysteine and adenosine from SAH (S-Adenosyl-L-Homocysteine).
AHCY is also part of the overall methylation process involved with creating methionine. Adequate AHCY function is needed to produce, as a result of the methionine cycle, functional levels of SAM-e, a precursor for many cellular functions, and so AHCY is indirectly responsible for maintaining healthy levels of SAM-e.
— Throughout this process, AHCY is part of dopamine creation and an AHCY mutation can result in a lowered amount of dopamine created.
— Somebody with a mutation may experience addictive type impulses and behaviors due to a low level of dopamine, and may also have issues relating to mood and temper. This can become a very serious problem for an individual leading to very extreme behavior due to this imbalance.
— If somebody is experiencing an AHCY mutation because the enzymatic activity is suppressed, he or she may benefit greatly by consuming:
— The entire family of B Vitamins as mentioned before
— Approximately 500 mg of Lithium 1 to 7 times per week or as needed and with great caution exercised
— Approximately 375 mg of L-methionine daily or as needed
— I personally would not normally want to supplement a compound which my body makes on its own and which cannot be found externally in nature (additional nuance regarding this issue is covered in the segment about Vitamins and Minerals). But, I feel I must mention that with this particular AHCY mutation there are reports of some individuals in extreme cases benefiting from supplementing with additional SAM-e.
— The COMT gene is involved with catecholamines, which are a group of neurotransmitters that include dopamine, epinephrine, catecholestrogenes and norepinephrine, and COMT especially is involved with deactivating them.
— Why would deactivating neurotransmitters be important? Through this deactivation process, COMT is responsible for controlling emotion and thoughts and quieting down the mental experience, which allows the mind to move on from thoughts and not get hung up and over-fixated.
— Without the ability to deactivate neurotransmitters, somebody may experience issues with the mind and mental control, such as being distracted easily, problems focusing, irritability, over-perfectionism, and/or procrastination.
— Also, common issues include taking a long time to fall asleep, or waking up in the night and then not being able to fall back asleep because the mind has become overactive.
— Other issues commonly reported are low energy, brain fog, poor mood, hormone issues, addictive behavior, fertility problems, and poor thyroid function.
— If somebody is experiencing a COMT mutation because the enzymatic activity is suppressed, he or she may benefit greatly by consuming:
— Approximately 375 mg of the amino acid L-methionine per day or as needed
— Approximately 150 mg to 600 mg, 1 to 7 times per week of Magnesium or as needed
— Approximately 50 mg to 200 mg of Theanine, per day or as needed
— Approximately 10 to 20 mg of Zinc, 1 to 7 times per week or as needed
— The family of B Vitamins including Vitamin B12 which are helpful for MTR or MTRR can also provide some extra support for COMT
— In severe cases, SAM-e has also been reported to be helpful but personally I have my concerns about this as mentioned before
You can take a DNA methylation gene test from the comfort of your home. Getting this test completed is typically a higher cost than the other forms of testing and generally should cost around $300. You can find a recommended DNA / genetic test here which will show you what is going on inside you with all five of these genes:
Interpreting The Results:
All of these tests are only as good as the intelligence of the person who is interpreting them. I am doing everything I can do to assist you with providing you my own experience in these areas. I have received personalized expertise and mentorship as well which has helped me to shape my own understanding, and I suggest you do the same for yourself. Be careful though — I have also received professional services from individuals who frankly were telling me bad information that could have ended up harming me had I followed what they were telling me to do. I’ve even followed advice from somebody which led me down a wrong road and did cause some collateral damage in the process.
Do consider finding somebody who is an expert and get their help to interpret the results and figure out what to do for yourself. Just be careful and discerning about who you choose to rely on because only a small fraction of individuals in my view are well-versed in full-spectrum analysis in terms of the best information to heal the body naturally and achieve a state of vibrant natural wellness.
If you have the money to do it and the motivation, then completing some of these tests is nothing short of life-changing. Personally, there are numerous ways that my life has been greatly improved as a result of this specific information. Without it, I wouldn’t have been able to see the path that I needed to take in order to get to a better place. The improvements I have been able to make have been a complete game-changer for me, since figuring out what I should supplement with specifically as a result of test data.
Completing some of these tests and taking appropriate actions as a result could literally save your life or add decades of healthy years to your lifespan. Furthermore, it could help to eliminate problems by identifying the source of where they are coming from and as a result greatly increase your quality of life. It could tell you whether to supplement or what specifically to supplement with so you can stop guessing.
Don’t run blind through the woods for too long. Make it a goal to get a good look inside of your body at some point and find out what is going on in there for yourself — you’ll be very glad you did!