The Role of Supplements

[00:00] Introduction and My Healing Journey
[02:25] Role of Supplements as part of a foundational program
[03:00] Supplements are the key as part of a broader plan that unlocks the door to vibrant health
[04:10] Why some people have a hard time embracing supplements and are skeptical — most supplements are weak and possibly toxic
[05:17] Supplements make it easy to start dramatically transforming your health, wellness and energy
[06:00] Never before in human history have we had the ability to manufacture the advanced level of supplements that we have now — herbs, botanicals, potentiated extracted nutrients, etc.
[07:46] At first, don’t worry about improving your diet and stopping eating your favorite junk foods — start with supplements and cleansing and worry about eating healthier later
[09:36] When you’re starting out it may be better to take a liquid form of supplements because your gut may not be absorbing very well
[10:08] My experience supplementing first and then figuring out diet later — my appetite changed and my eating desires for healthier foods
[14:27] Addressing critics of taking supplements. Is taking herbs too stimulating? Does taking isolated vitamins and minerals create an imbalance in the body?
[16:37] Supplements gave me momentum and excitement because of the results I felt that I could actually solve my health problems
[17:40] Total body cleansing
[18:18] Different supplements for different purposes — cleaning, maintenance, targeting specific organs or systems
[18:45] State of the supplement industry. How companies mark up supplement profit margins.
[19:58] Time is money. Money is time which is health which is money which is time. Supplements cost money but the different corners of the triangle can grow each other as they improve. My story of going deeper into credit card debt to pay for supplements when I was super sick and suffering from health problems.