The world of natural health and wellness is massive and expansive and holds the keys to unlocking the fountain of youth and the secrets of the ages and so much more — and that’s without me overselling it. But it’s not just about food.
The truth is that food is only perhaps one half of the equation to full and complete healing, regeneration, and thriving for extended performance. But it is the bottom, supportive half — without the foundation of good food being inputted into the body, the other half of the equation doesn’t hold up too well.
Some people can get away with ignoring the food side of the equation, because of good genes, powerful life force energy, and other mystical reasons that allow some individuals to eat bad food and still put forth a strong constitution in spite of this. If that is you, then God bless you and good for you. I think most people have to maintain a constant balance with food or it will get the better of them. If you feel less than your best when you don’t eat well, then definitely make a commitment to eat more healthy foods and work on yourself in that way, in conjunction with these other natural health areas.
Once you do figure out how to eat in a way that supports your overall livelihood and wellness, then where do you want to go next? The next level? If so, then it’s appropriate to explore the world outside of food. There are many modalities and pools of knowledge which, if you immerse yourself in them, can spiral you to higher and higher levels of overall health, energy, and vibration.
Health and wellness is like two dreidels (a Jewish spinning top) that are stuck together — two pyramids stacked on top of each other, one facing up and the other one upside-down. The upside-down pyramid, with the point facing down, represents the world of sickness and illness, with people spiraling downwards into pain, suffering, and ultimately death. Then there is the large middle section, where people can subside, and enjoy average or even good health. But the middle land is not the ultimate ceiling — you can go higher, much higher to planes of consciousness which are amazing and allow you to grow both spiritually as well as in what you are able to achieve here on Earth.
Don’t limit your sphere of knowledge to only food and beverages — these are just the rudiments of a life well-lived. Keep your vision engaged with all of the colors of the rainbow, so to speak, in terms of any and all available tools which can help you achieve your health goals.
This can include things like
— When and how to eat
— Keeping a good physical figure and physique
— Resting, recovery and sleep
— Exercise
— Water
— Oral care
— Electromagnetic pollution protection
— How to breathe
— Dealing with modern temptations, stimulants and substances
— Harnessing powerful natural vibrations to help you heal
— Using natural wellness professionals to elevate yourself
— Meditation
— Emotions and emotional care and healing
— Spirituality, my favorite
— And so many others
If I am trying to get somewhere, I will use any road necessary — a highway, a side road, a back road, a country road, a muddy road, or whatever course of action is needed. There was a time when I was trying to get from my own Hell of health problems which were plaguing me, to a place where I could be relieved from those problems and was finally healed. Now, since my healing, I am committed to getting to a place where I am operating at my highest potential (and I am committed to helping you achieve your goals).
When I was unwell, I possess a desperate sort of urgency to use whatever means was necessary to close the gap between where I was and where I wanted to be. Even now while enjoying a good baseline of health and wellness, my desire to expand outward towards greater potential exists with a sense of urgency — don’t you feel the same way? Throughout the course of my own self-healing and my own ascension to higher levels of vibrations, I have felt starved for the keys of knowledge about how to get there. Each time I’ve discovered a new skeleton key of truth it has been like throwing a T-bone steak to a junkyard dog.
I will now share these amazing nuggets of truth with you so you can help yourself. If you’re hungry to learn, then by all means, go forth, learn these techniques for yourself, and give them a try!