Top Foods to Avoid Consuming

I was having a conversation with a friend of mine who is a smart guy, but not really sold on the power of raw foods. He said to me, ‘Maybe this way of eating is simply effective because of all of the foods you are not eating, and you feel so much better because of the foods you’re not eating, rather than the foods you are eating.’

I think this is a good point and valid. While, I do maintain that fruit and raw foods do have incredible and powerful effects when eaten, I do think that when you eat a diet that is high in raw foods, you are also putting your body in a vacuum existing outside of many toxic chemicals, substances and harmful acidic molecular compounds that can ravage the body when eating other foods.

In the art of transitioning to a more healthful way of living, I share helpful information with you about how to make that transition successfully. I think that simply adding in more fruit and raw foods is one way to supplement what you are eating and reduce some perhaps unhealthy choices of foods you’ve been consuming.

The other thing you can do is — when choosing to eat cooked foods — you can choose to avoid the worst offenders that contribute the most to creating an acidic environment within the body (for a greater insight into the issue of chemical balance, please see the section entitled: ‘Understanding Body Chemistry’).

I will outline in this section what I perceive as the most offensive things you could consume to your body. This should be a top blacklist of foods. This is like the CIA list of known terrorists — when encountering them, you should not negotiate with them if at all possible. These foods create degeneration and health problems within the tissues of your body by creating an acidic effect, and all sorts of bodily responses including inflammation, mucus, immune response, water retention, cholesterol plaque, calcium loss, invitation of parasitic organisms, cellular damage, and many other issues.

For now, I hope this provides a bit of a roadmap in terms of the minefield that we’re navigating here, which is to say the landscape of your day-to-day life, in the modern marketplace of food products. It’s almost as though you are in a war against the marketing machine of Big Agri, and you need to know where the mines are buried, waiting to explode, so you can traverse the land and complete your mission — just remember, your mission is to arrive to your destination of optimum vitality and a lack of health problems.

I will help you figure out how to avoid these explosive liabilities, or in the very least, how to reduce your consumption of them or find substitutes. For now, it is important that we identify them so you can have a heightened level of awareness about the true nature of the reality we live in today and the source of health problems.
Hang in there with me and I promise I will help you with the solutions of how to get yourself healthy, well, and energized in the segments ahead!