What Does a Typical Day of Eating Look Like?

Now let’s get into the nitty gritty. A lot of people understand concepts and so forth but do much better with concrete examples. It really varies from person to person and from situation to situation, but I will provide some scenarios.

The point of Rapid Regeneration is not to teach you what to think — it’s to help you understand how to think. I don’t think it is effective for me to tell you, ‘On Day One eat this, and on Day Two eat this, and so on and so forth.’ I can’t possibly tell you what you should eat at any given time in any specific scenario. What I can do is paint with more of a broad brush in terms of some different options that are out there and what you could end up doing.

You have to do what works for you ultimately. These are some things you could eat and which would be a good thing to eat relatively as compared with all of the bad things that you know are out there and which you know that you shouldn’t eat.

All of these different scenarios would be supported differently from different approaches to eating. I will attempt to share some approaches you could take which would fit appropriately with these differing needs in mind, depending on the context.

I am certainly not one of the most chef-y people out there, although I will say that I have a great appreciation for individuals who can take raw ingredients and make delicious, elegant and delightful creations. Learning how to make all these amazing raw dishes and creations has been something I’ve sacrificed, in terms of the time to learn them and the time to actually prepare them, in order for me to have the time needed to do things like prepare this program which I hope will help you.

I do see food preparation becoming something that I can do more of in the future. Making meals and preparing food should be fun, and it allows you to really connect with your ingredients and share a relationship with them before and during going into your body. Embrace that and don’t be intimidated to try different recipes!

What you eat in a day is ultimately your choice — you have a blank canvas, on which you can create your life how you want it to be. At first, when you are transitioning, the amount of ingredients you have to choose from may seem limiting. If you compare this healthy approach with all the crazy inventions of processed food materials and cooked food products — yes, this is does seem relatively more limited. Ultimately though, you still have a wide-ranging variety of ingredients to choose from — far more than our primitive ancestors had in the wild.

Use your own intuition and inner guiding compass to navigate what you should eat. I will offer you a final warning through — be wary not to mistake your inner instinct and discernment showing you the right way with a craving which is programmed to take you off track and right into the mud. Ask God to help you discern the right choices to make for yourself, and for the strength to overcome the challenges you have been tasked with.

The time is now to create your own future. These are the ingredients with which to do it, among others I forgot to mention or don’t know about yet. So go ahead, and don’t delay — use the power of the most amazing foods and transform your life today!