Understanding How Stuff Works Will Increase Your Awareness & Effectiveness

Up until this point within the scope of the information contained within the Rapid Regeneration program, it has been a lot of instructions and a lot of actionable items. You have learned about how to carry out total body cleansing of the intestines, liver, and other systems of the body in addition to parasite cleansing. You have learned about next-level supplementation and how to stimulate your body’s own detoxification systems. You have learned about transitioning to a much healthier lifestyle in terms of what you are eating, what to watch out for and how to balance that. You have even learned about higher-level cleanses and fasts to accelerate the velocity of your body’s self-healing process.

So, what next?

At some point, as a Truth-Seeker, and a Truth-Sharer, I must do my due diligence and carry out my responsibility to validate and verify the logic behind what I am instructing you to do so that you can solve what health problems you may have and elevate to the next level. It is important for me to document for you what is going on behind the scenes, with your own anatomy, how the human body works, as well as the nature of chemistry of different foods and how they get digested.

Once that foundation of knowledge is built for you, then the focus of Rapid Regeneration will move on to higher-level strategies and tactics to achieving ultimate health which are more action-oriented as opposed to the next several chapters which are simply more of a building of conceptual awareness.

I have come across certain individuals who have more of an attitude of, “Hey, just tell me what to do. I don’t need to understand how the sausage gets made inside the sausage factory. I just want the end-result and the product that comes out. I just want to get healthy and well, so just tell me what to do and I’ll do that.” Trust me — I can understand this sentiment. Although I really have done my homework in learning this for my own knowingness, and in documenting the logic behind how this all works for you, I am actually not what you would call super intellectual, or academic, or nerdy. I am far more interested in results than in the dissection of exactly how something is held together.

If you truly don’t care for the more scientific, logical foundations of how your body works, how food works, and how the two interconnect, then please by all means skip ahead several chapters to the segments which most interest you and which are more actionable.

However, I have learned over the years the following points about whether you should invest the time and energy into gaining a full-spectrum understanding of how all of these factors work together:
— Having a greater awareness within your mind will actually inform your body and autonomic nervous system at a subconscious level so that you can achieve greater results and even program your body of what it needs to do.
— I can’t teach you exactly what to think for every single given situation and can’t predict all the challenges you might come across. It is certainly more strategic for you to learn how to think, and how stuff works, and not just what to think, so you can decide for yourself what the right decision is when a situation comes up.
— The truth is a powerful medium. By filling your consciousness with a knowledge of the fabric which holds everything together, you will empower yourself and truly rise above the artificial and manipulative frequencies that are constant here on Planet Earth.

I wish to never bore you, so if you find yourself bored by any logical breakdowns, please skip ahead. Personally, I find investigating the nature of reality to be fascinating, but everybody is different.

To the person who says, ‘Just tell me what to do and I’ll do it’ — what you should do is, before you try the tips and tricks and shortcuts with the different natural wellness modalities will be covered a little later on, go ahead and gain a complete understanding of what goes on in your body every moment of the day. Or, feel free to skip these sections, learn the other natural health shortcuts and strategies first, but I do implore you to make a commitment to come back and empower yourself with this knowledge at some point.

Once you do possess the intelligence that will be covered in these next segments, it will never leave you. It will exist in your own awareness and will only serve you to become all you can be, for the rest of this lifetime and even the next.

Onwards we go then!