Water — How to Consume Nature’s Life Elixir

It’s naturally very important to figure out our relationship with this element which is something all plants and animals need to survive. Especially in our modern society, there are many types of water, including products and practices which should be avoided because otherwise they can cause detriment to your health and well-being. There are also amazing special types of water as well.

It is amazing to consider that such an incredible substance — which can help to detoxify and clean out the body — is so often turned into a toxic and chemical-filled mixture that actually causes over-toxicity and resulting acidity in the body. Most major metropolitan areas, in their supposedly valiant efforts to sanitize the water, pour massive amounts of chemicals, including chlorine, bromide, and not to mention fluorosilicic acid into the water. Let me tell you — these are not fun chemicals for your body to process and can lead to over-toxicity of the body.

There are other problems with city water as well, including the fact that many cities recycle their water from sewage. This means that the essence of other people’s wastes, including antibiotics from meat products, pesticides, and pharmaceutical drug residues all wind up in the plumbing and back into the water supply.

So what is the solution? Well, you can either
— Get a whole house filter which will filter your water at the source before it comes out of your faucets
— Get a smaller countertop filter
— Harvest rainwater
— Pump well-water
— Buy bottled water

In terms of water filters, there are great varying degrees of quality among different ones. For example, I used a pitcher filter kept in the refrigerator all through college, not realizing until years later that this particular brand (which is extremely common) really doesn’t filter out all the junk — neither do most built-in refrigerator filters, unfortunately. The general public is simply not aware of how thoroughly the water is in need of being filtered, in order to really clean up the water.

There are only a few products out there which will really virtually completely filter the water. You can get filters for your drinking water as well as a filter for your shower.

You can also use bottled water. Do be careful though about drinking out of plastic which uses BPA. Unfortunately, most bottled water uses plastic bottles made with BPA. This is a harmful and hormone-disrupting chemical that should be avoided. You can look on the bottle to see if it says ‘BPA-free’ in which case you’re in the clear. One issue with BPA and bottled water is that an alkaline water will suck chemistry from its surrounding environment. This is especially true with distilled water. So distilled, alkaline water, put in an environment where it makes contact with BPA will result in those harmful BPA chemicals being absorbed into the water abundantly.

There is much debate over whether spring water or distilled water is better. They’re both good in my view although distilled water is clearly superior for me personally. Spring water or mineral water can be more energizing, containing the minerals of the surrounding environment. Distilled water is generally in my experience better for detoxification, cleaning, and purifying the body. Indeed this is the ticket — distill your water if you really wish to use water to transform your internal landscape.