What is Detox and Why it’s So Essential

[00:00] Introduction
[01:07] I went through my own personal hell and then discovered detoxification
[03:40] Instead of learning concepts learn by taking action and seeing results which will inspire you to learn the mechanics behind it
[04:10] You’re like the boss and your body is your employee and you need to understand what it’s doing and how detox works
[06:04] If you want regeneration you must embrace detoxification, detox is the pathway to regenerate
[08:16] Think of all the things in our modern world that create over toxicity in the body
[08:47] Detox is a lifelong and ongoing process of regular maintenance of the body
[10:23] The main 6 or 7 elimination and detoxification systems of the body
[14:34] Detox is part science and part art and you never learned about it in school
[14:58] The detoxification and body function formula to determine lifespan and healthspan expectancy
[17:35] Detoxification should be mostly fun but will come with its challenges without a doubt
[20:37] Closing remarks

Detoxification sounds intimidating to some people at first, and I can understand resisting it. Just understand that detoxification is not the end-goal. Regeneration is the ultimate goal, to renew your body and allow it to rebuild and heal itself via its own self-healing process. However, it’s quite difficult for cellular regeneration to take place if your cells are surrounded with toxins. So, in order to effectively give your cells the needed environment to regenerate, you must embrace this process of detoxification.

Detoxification is the process of your body getting rid of these substances. Detoxification can either happen slowly — too slowly and inefficiently — or it can happen quickly and efficiently. It is true that the body will be in need of detoxing more or less so depending on how many toxic substances are being consumed. Things like junk food, certain beverages, medications, harmful products being put on or in the skin, and toxins in the air can all contribute to an especially toxic condition within the body.

Your body is always trying to detox, no matter what, even if you are feeding it the healthiest possible foods. That’s because, living in this third-dimensional world, there is always a creation of wastes which then need to be eliminated. This acidic chemistry is created by metabolic processes from digestion, as well as breathing in the air, creating lactic acid by moving around and exercising, and stress which creates a lot of chemical aftermath.

Detoxification is handled by a few systems of the body specifically having to do with cleaning, filtering, eliminating and purifying. By increasing your awareness of these systems and how they work, these ‘personal assistants’ of yours will be that much more effective in cleaning you out.