Where to Start? How to Start Improving Health Naturally

[00:00] Introduction
[03:20] First start out with herbs and cleansing and leave the diet alone
[04:30] The Big Three protocol for Total Body Cleansing — Intestine & Colon, Liver & Gallbladder, Parasite & Harmful Organism
[05:48] Why the big three protocol is so important — Intestine & Colon, Liver & Gallbladder, Parasite & Harmful Organism cleansing
[07:35] Stressing yourself out about changing your diet and eating healthier on can be a mistake – It can be better to focus on body cleansing and detox first
[08:12] Doing the Big 3 cleanses — colon, liver & gallbladder and parasite & harmful organism — should help to reset the body and appetite and cravings and metabolism and make transition to eating healthy easier
[09:23] Other strategies you can also work in
[13:08] The mental aspect of self-healing is just as important if not more than the mechanics and actual strategies – You must have hope in the possibility of solutions
[14:46] There are so many nuances, pitfalls, landmines and grey areas to navigate in the world of natural health — you need help, guidance and mentorship of others’ experience
[15:56] Closing comments

Discerning the best route to take can be very challenging and there is a lot of conflicting information out there. That is one of my goals in creating the program of Rapid Regeneration — this whole enchilada will work to distill down the most effective methods for you.

To summarize the entire philosophy of this approach, when you’re first getting started I would start by adding some herbal supplement formulas into your life. You don’t necessarily want to radically transform your diet overnight — that can come as a shock to you physically and mentally. Maybe just try the herbal supplements for a few weeks or a month.

After you get a sense of any improvements you may be enjoying from using the formulas, I would do some multi-day cleanses using herbal products. Again, this can be done without really changing too much what you are eating (which is part of the logic of doing this step early on). The other benefit to this is that it massively cleans out your system and allows your body to better absorb and process any herbs and/or superfoods you give it.

The recommended order of the ‘Big Three’ cleanses would be something like this: First, an intestinal/colon cleanse (about 5 days), then, a liver cleanse (5-6 days), then, a parasite / harmful organism cleanse (about 6 weeks). Altogether, if done back to back, this should take about 2 months.

After you have reached this point, I would suggest to go ahead and make some transitions in your food consumption. But funny enough, if you actually get to this point, you probably wouldn’t even need my instructions to do that. After getting cleaned out, you will likely find that your own natural intuition will be to embrace more energetic, hydrating and healing foods. This is what happened to me — after I got elevated by the supplements and cleanses, I naturally drifted away from the harmful junk foods more and more, and worked in more healthy foods into my day, especially fruits and raw foods.