Yoga and Stretching for Youthful Energy

Some of this information is so redundant that I almost feel silly including it within the scope of Rapid Regeneration. But, I draw my inspiration from nature and one thing that is true about the natural world is that nature loves redundancy. This is why trees have an abundant amount of branches and seeds, and why you have two lungs, two kidneys, two ovaries/testicles, etc. Totally necessary? Maybe not. Redundant? Yes. Helps us to thrive? Indeed.

I know you know that stretching and yoga are good for you. Your body is a series of interconnected areas which are held together by these circuits of connective tissue. This material is very elastic, but if you don’t stretch it, it can become more hardened and tough. By stretching out your body, surely you make yourself younger and more energetic.

Some of the benefits of stretching include:
Increased flexibility
Increased range of motion
Increased physical performance
Better posture
Calming, relaxing effect
Helps to lower stress
Promotes blood flow
Tones your muscles and connective tissue
Potentially can help reduce injury risk
Expands body awareness

This is something that really should be done daily — I personally do it twice daily. It serves as a bit of a morning and evening routine, before and after bedtime, as a way to enter the day and focus the mind before dealing with the stressors of other people’s demands, and then again to quiet the mind and degrade the thoughts and considerations of that day before getting ready for bed. It takes about five to seven minutes to stretch out the body in this way. If I don’t do this, I feel like I’m dragging myself throughout the day with less energy and less overall positive flow.

Also remember that the lymphatic system has no pump on it like the vascular system has with the heart and lungs. Stretching helps to stimulate not only your blood circulation but also your lymphatic movement, filtration and drainage. If you are detoxing intensively, stretching should absolutely be a part of your daily routine to help get toxins out of your body.

Yoga is basically a combination of stretching, breathing, meditation, cardiovascular activity, and resistance training, and is an incredible benefit to the body.

Some of the benefits of yoga include:
Some of the same benefits of stretching like better flexibility and increased circulation
Muscle strength and tone
Stress and anxiety alleviation
Sharpens concentration, attention and mindfulness
Enhances immune system and metabolism
Promotes full breathing
Can potentially prevent breakdown and degeneration of joints, connective tissue and skeletal system
Stimulating to the lymphatic system (detoxifying)
Soothes the nervous system
Encourages self-knowing and self-awareness
Builds self-confidence and gratitude

You can do yoga and you’ll stretch yourself in ways that will surprise you, even leaving yourself sore in areas of the body the next day and indicating that you really stretched yourself out majorly. It is also a great workout and works the body in a very holistic, interconnected way, integrating the stretching, muscle building, breath work, and balancing your spiritual awareness all in one.

Personally, I like hot yoga the most which seems to achieve even more dramatic results by increasing flow and filtration through the skin via perspiration with the hot temperatures, but I enjoy yoga classes of all kinds. I have also tried following along at home to yoga instructors virtually which isn’t too bad although not quite as powerful as being there in person with the group collective consciousness and the instructor pushing you to do your best. I don’t attend yoga classes nearly as often as I would like and if I ever get more free time it’s one of those things I greatly enjoy.