Dave Escamilla

About Dave Escamilla

This author Dave Escamilla has created 226 entries.

Seth Bailin – Natural Hygiene Self-Healing Principles

(00:00) Intro(01:00) Seth Bailin story of going down the rabbit hole of learning information for natural hygiene, terrain model, life science(02:44) Isaac Jennings and the Tree of Life, self-healing mechanism(04:00) Toxic threshold in the body — Toxemia Explained, John Tilden book from 1926(05:41) Body’s regenerative capability(07:10) What is actually harmful to put in the body? Acidosis and too much acidity in the body, acid-forming foods(10:09) History of natural hygiene movement, Greek goddess Hygeia, Hippocrates(11:46) Explaining anabolism and catabolism — build

Seth Bailin – How to Locate and Select Fruit that is High Quality, Fresh, Ripe and Affordable

(00.00) Intro(00:50) Seth’s story of overcoming serious health issues, going high-fruit vegan quickly(02:15) Seth on fruit being best food for humans(03:06) Seth’s book The Fruit Companion(04:07) Why is fruit ideal? Is fruit good because of an absence of acid chemistry that other foods have?(08:59) Seth Bailin’s opinion on conventional versus organic produce(13:35) Selecting local food / farmers’ markets / straight from farm options(15:30) How to get a bulk discount on produce(16:03) Produce from small scale farms versus grocery stores(16:38) Asking

Seth Bailin on Overcoming Allergies, Asthma & Skin problems with Whole Food Vegan, Water Fasting, High Fruit, Holistic Lifestyle

(00:00) Intro(00:56) Seth Bailin’s issues with allergies, pneumonia, asthma, skin problems since being a baby(05:01) 2020 happened and Seth Bailin investigated root cause of all health issues(06:09) Manifesting the knowledge you will need to get to the next step(07:22) Health issues that were eliminated: chronic asthma, colds, allergies(11:13) Experience of transitioning to a vegan diet(12:40) After changing to a vegan diet, Seth stops pursuing sexually promiscuous activities(16:04) Transitioning — eating fruit for breakfast(23:51) Incorporating some cooked, whole foods into the

Juicing Jules – conquering addiction, anxiety, depression, embracing fruit, raw vegan family lifestyle, raising children naturally

Hope you enjoy this great talk with Juicing Jules, who went through a dramatic transformation after hitting rock bottom in life. Today she is thriving, has fully recovered her physical and emotional health and has a beautiful life and family.Jules knows a lot about long term juice fasting, colon cleansing, raw vegan and fruit based transformation, as well as raw vegan family, home birth, homeschooling and raising children naturally. Jules has coached 450+ clients and has much knowledge and experience

Juicing Jules – conquering addiction, anxiety, depression, embracing fruit, raw vegan family lifestyle, raising children naturally

Hope you enjoy this great talk with Juicing Jules, who went through a dramatic transformation after hitting rock bottom in life. Today she is thriving, has fully recovered her physical and emotional health and has a beautiful life and family. Jules knows a lot about long term juice fasting, colon cleansing, raw vegan and fruit based transformation, as well as raw vegan family, home birth, homeschooling and raising children naturally. Jules has coached 450+ clients and has much knowledge and

Karen Ranzi – 69 Years of Age, Thriving, Full of Energy, 30 Years Raw Vegan

Hope you enjoy this great talk with Karen Ranzi. Topics discussed include healing IBS, cystic acne, hormonal problems, monthly cycle problems, raising healthy children, getting on the same page with your spouse, the power of raw foods, raw vegan, fruit, greens, nutrition and much more.Follow Karen Ranzi:@SuperHealthyRawSuper Healthy ChildrenFeel Fabulous With FoodMeet Karen in person:Texas Fruit Festival

Karen Ranzi – 69 Years of Age, Thriving, Full of Energy, 30 Years Raw Vegan

RapidRegeneration.com/Karen-Ranzi(00:00) Intro(02:24) Karen’s struggled with terrible cystic acne for over 20 years(04:26) Karen’s grandmother back in the 1920s at age 32 healed emphysema and asthma using natural hygiene, fasting and fruit — The Mucusless Diet healing system by Arnold Ehret — and lived into her 80s(07:49) Karen experienced numerous health issues and solved them naturally – cystic acne, IBS, no menstrual cycle for 2 years(09:01) Karen went vegan in 1989 and her cystic acne disappeared in 3 months(09:48) Karen’s