[00:00] Introduction[03:20] First start out with herbs and cleansing and leave the diet alone[04:30] The Big Three protocol for Total Body Cleansing — Intestine & Colon, Liver & Gallbladder, Parasite & Harmful Organism[05:48] Why the big three protocol is so important — Intestine & Colon, Liver & Gallbladder, Parasite & Harmful Organism cleansing[07:35] Stressing yourself out about changing your diet and eating healthier on can be a mistake – It can be better to focus on body cleansing and detox
[00:05] Introduction[00:45] I solved my own health problems and now on a mission to help others do the same naturally[02:44] My relevant educational background[03:15] Structure of the program[05:45] My professional background[06:45] How I got into this mess[07:34] How I overdosed on cough medicine and got terrible headaches, brain fog, exhaustion and depression for four years[13:00] How I solved my symptoms naturally of headaches, brain fog, exhaustion and depression after overdosing on cough medicine[17:57] Closing remarksAs a brief disclaimer, I am
As a young man, I was happy enough just going on about my life trying to be a decent person and enjoying myself without ever giving too much thought to being that health-minded. Although I struggled with eating junk foods since a young age, I seemed to enjoy good health and energy while still indulging in unhealthy foods without experiencing serious immediate consequences, and the natural health world was just not related to what I was interested in.However, in my
So you’ve decided to take the bull by the horns and take control of your own health destiny. Now what?Congratulations — you have taken an epic step to regaining the direction of your life and wellness. That is the most important thing you can do. Armed with the will to solve your health problems, and the belief that it is possible to do it (despite the ‘experts’ claiming it’s impossible), you now wield two essential and foundational tools to start
I am on a mission to share information with you that saved my life in many ways. This is information that is not easily found. Most likely, it was never taught to you by your parents, by the school system, certainly not by the government, or the food industry players, and probably you didn’t even have any friends who really understood this.Since 2015, which is eight years as of the time of writing, I have been pursuing headfirst the secrets
My name is Dave Escamilla, and I didn’t want to do this. Sorry — let me start over. My name is Dave Escamilla, and I never signed up for this trip.What I mean is that, as a young man, I was happy enough just going on about my life trying to be a decent person and enjoying myself without ever giving too much thought to being that health-minded. Although I struggled with eating junk foods since a young age, I