Make no mistake — there exists without question known and measurable harm to cellular tissue from electronic radiation, AKA harmful electro-magnetic frequencies (EMFs). While all of the exact quantities and qualities of how all the different radiation affects our cellular DNA are not exactly documented, it doesn’t take a genius to figure out that blasting somebody with radiation has some effect on his or her functionality and state of being.
After all, we human beings are both conductors of electricity, as well as receptors and transmitters of information through the atmosphere — just like a walkie-talkie, a radio, or a cell phone. Not only are we electrically conductive, like electrical wiring or a lightning rod, but we can also pick up on informational wavelengths which are being transmitted through the air. So, in essence, we are sensitive to and affected by different frequencies that travel through the airwaves.
Our world has become very crowded from all of the different frequencies. This includes everything from high-power electricity transmission lines traveling above the ground, to satellite internet and television, to cellular phone towers broadcasting out to all the cellular devices, to wifi routers in individual buildings, to other ‘smart’ objects which are emitting their own frequencies into the Internet of Things. Compounding on all this are also the smart meters which send data back and forth on their own wireless cellular networks, as well as all the modern cars which are equipped with their own wireless transmission systems communicating with satellites as well as cellular towers. These items comprise the mainstream emitters of electronic radiation as of the time of writing — on top of which there are no doubt other contributors as well, and surely there will be more disruptive technologies to arrive.
This may make sense why it feels so peaceful to ‘get out of the city’ to a more natural surrounding which is less dense in terms of population. Personally, a couple years before writing this program, I moved to a location outside the periphery of Austin, TX from my place in the middle of the city. Nestled in a setting with lots of nature, trees, and a low population density, I can tell a huge difference when I’m out here. The natural energy of the Earth, trees, air, birds and animals presides in this area, whereas this peaceful vibration is quite suppressed once you travel more into the city. Additionally, the lack of electronic wavelengths bouncing around also creates a real peace and quietness, like a blank canvas, which is an excellent setting to foster inspiration and creativity.
I feel that this has been a major accelerator in my own healing journey just from being out here. Whether or not I’ll stay here forever is up in the air but I have much gratitude for the peace it has brought me.
This segment is meant to be extremely practical. I intend to offer solutions to these problems, that have worked for me and are quite logical and scientific. The fact is, EMFs are unavoidable to some degree. Unless you can live in a remote area, on a self-sustained farm, without ever interfacing with a city or other people who use cell phones, then you’ll be exposed to radiation. To live in a completely rural and natural setting simply isn’t realistic or most people’s idea of a good life (although it may be, in which case — go for it). Most of us have to entertain the notion of trade-offs and compromise. Big cities have significant drawbacks, including electronic pollution, as do cellular devices, but they also have a lot to offer.
Let’s address some ways to find balance, protection, and boundaries against some of these electronic pollutants AKA EMF radiation.
Not convinced that you need these solutions? A solution after all, is only good to the degree of how badly the problem is causing negative consequences. My thesis in this subject is that the more healed, energized, and aware you become on your own journey of getting yourself healthy and well, the more highly aware you will be of these different frequencies and especially those which are harmful and/or even potentially injurious. It’s also quite possible that you are going over this information and don’t even need to be informed of this because you are already well aware and can feel those energies yourself.
If you can’t or don’t notice anything, just start opening up your awareness and observance. Also you can reference more scientific studies that have been completed looking into the affects of wireless electronic radiation and how that affects cellular tissue. You can see for example one study which was completed showed that the radiation from a cell phone being held next to the human head for a short period of time actually caused the temperature of the brain to increase significantly — not good!
This is something that, quite frankly, I used to never even think twice about and never considered it a problem. After becoming more self-actualized in terms of wellness, and becoming more aware of what was going on around me, I did perceive there were certain environmental disruptors from these different technologies and I started to take more control of the things I could control.
Looking back, I realized there were points in my life — specifically at one home I lived at when I was sleeping right next to a wifi router, and also once when I lived in an apartment directly adjacent to a room full of electrical meters and telecommunications equipment — that I was very stressed and on edge and didn’t feel like myself. I can’t say for sure if the EMFs were the exact cause, because scientifically all I can conclude is that there was a correlation and not necessarily a direct causation, but certainly these could have been contributing factors and intuitively I feel that they probably were.
I see many individuals who are committed to healing themselves and eliminating their health problems and ascending to new levels in terms of health and wellness, but who lack an awareness about how to control the radiation around them which is aggressively interacting with the cells in their body. This could be an individual who is fastidious about what they eat, which kind of water they drink, the types of people they will associate with, who they will have intimate physical relations with, and which products they will put on their skin — yet, they have no barriers or boundaries when it comes to what kind of radiation in their environment they will allow to be constantly interfacing with their body and mind.
This pains me to see happen because I do believe this issue specifically holds people back from reaching their health and wellness goals as quickly or effectively as desired. It is difficult for your body to really regenerate itself when it is in a state of oxidative stress. To achieve meaningful regeneration, at a speed that is swift and naturally attuned to our own power, the cells in your body should be left alone and not interfered with, so they can harmonize in their own natural healing frequencies.
If none of that bothers you, please skip the rest of this segment and come back to it if you ever start to observe some of these things. If you do notice the disturbances I’m talking about, please continue onwards to some things you can do to mitigate this electro-chemical-physiological issue.
Let’s start with the easy ones first. How about switching from WiFi in your home to ethernet plugged-in wiring? This sounds more difficult than it is.
The downside is that you need to figure out how to run wire through your home, usually across the wall using thumbtacks, to be able to connect whatever different devices to the internet from the modem via an ethernet cord. Also, many computers now do not have an ethernet input so you’ll need to buy an adapter, which you can find for a desktop, laptop, or even a tablet.
The upside to ethernet wired internet is that it is not only faster and more secure than WiFi, but it emits little to no ‘dirty’ wireless electronic radiation (it is ‘clean’ data transmission). By communicating over hard lines for your home internet, and shutting off the WiFi on both your internet router as well as disabling the WiFi transmitter on your computers (putting it into ‘Airplane Mode’), you have instantly made your home clearer and cleaner of electronic pollution. Most individuals I’ve come across can tell a difference once that is shut off, and some people have stated that they can think more clearly and are more at ease without this interference running throughout the house.
You’ll want to make sure you get only a modem from your internet provider which does not emit WiFi, then connect it to your own router. Here is the router which does not emit WiFi that you can connect to your internet modem:
You can also clean up the signals coming from your phone. This is a big one, as these frequencies are constantly running, and most of the time this little rectangular prism is right next to your body. There are several radioactive frequencies being transmitted (unless you disable them) to and from your cellular device which include:
— Actual phone signals for voice or text (older frequency technology from a more primitive time)
— So-called ‘cellular’ data for sending denser information like accessing more enriched data over the internet or apps (there are different generations of cellular data as time progresses that progressively get more intense in terms of radiation)
— Location services AKA GPS services which work via satellite and cell towers to map your location
— WiFi which constantly sends out signals searching for WiFi transmitters
— Bluetooth which is another operating band of frequencies constantly searching for other Bluetooth devices to connect with
A potentially amazing discovery is that the latter four of this category, which tend to be the lower, more dense, potentially more harmful frequencies anyways, can actually be disabled on your phone — at least as of the time of writing I know they can be on an Apple iPhone, and I have also confirmed this can be done on an Android device as well.
This is relatively easy to do just by going into your phone’s settings. By doing this, it seems like you have relegated your phone to being no more radioactive than cell phones essentially were in the 1990s and early to mid 2000s, before such heavy data streams were being sent all over the place.
Once you have turned these radioactive frequencies off by default, if you need to use the data, such as location services for your GPS, or cellular data in order to go on the internet or check one of your apps, then you can simply switch on that data temporarily, use the service that you need, and then switch it back off. This can be a slight inconvenience, but overall you have to decide — is this switching back and forth worth it in order to have 23 hours per day (for example) where you are not having these frequencies stream at you constantly from various cell towers?
For me personally, I’m not accessing data that much on my phone anyways. The fact is that nowadays everybody seems to be constantly stimulated by information on their phone, checking it every 10 seconds, interrupting their workflow, conversations and productivity, not to mention shortchanging their attention span and thinking abilities. This phenomenon is really a wholly separate issue that is more outside of the scope of this segment regarding EMFs. If you’re constantly glued to your phone or checking social media or different apps, then perhaps this is not a very good solution for you because you’ll need the electronic radiation in order to do those things. It would be better suited for somebody who checks that stuff much less frequently or checks these things on a computer which can be connected to the internet via ethernet.
You can also consider turning off your phone at night when you go to bed, or putting it on airplane mode. This will completely eliminate any frequencies going to and from the phone. There is some concern about what if somebody needs to reach you in the middle of the night as an emergency. I actually have a landline phone at my house as well, which I realize may not be cost-effective for everybody at $10 to $20 / month. When I go to sleep and put my phone on airplane mode, I will activate call forwarding to my landline phone, that way if somebody calls my cell while I’m sleeping in an emergency it will still ring my house number (you’re welcome Mom), but I can sleep restfully and peacefully completely uninterrupted by electro-magnetic frequencies which would otherwise be coming from my cell phone.
You can do relatively the same thing with your car, in that you can go into its settings and disable Bluetooth, and in some cases GPS / location services. Although personally I’m not so sure this completely disables everything and all cellular transmissions and quite frankly the manufacturer may still be tracking certain data via cellular and/or satellite transmission. There may not be a great way around this, except to get a car that was made before 2010 or so, whenever they started to have the screen built into the console and virtually all cars starting coming equipped with automatic GPS tracking, bluetooth, and even WiFi and data.
Electronics and appliances in the home are another sources of electronic pollution. This can include things like TVs, refrigerators, air conditioners, dishwashers, washer/dryers, among other appliances and devices. Like ‘Cookies’ on the internet, whenever something is labeled with some euphemism like ‘Smart’ trying to make it sound so great, it may be good reason to be suspect and investigate that product or service very thoroughly before buying into it.
If you can help it, purchase a non-smart version of the appliance or electronic device, because there may not be options within the settings to disable the WiFi or BlueTooth transmissions that will otherwise blast out. If you must use a Smart TV, you may be able to disable these things in the setting. TVs and even other smart appliances can even collect data about you when they’re connected to the internet via their camera or microphone, and feed that data back to the company who sold it to you and sent you the consumer disclosure and privacy notice telling you exactly what the deal was — all the more reasons to avoid smart devices, and/or disable their internet capabilities (which may be difficult or impossible depending on the smart device).
One big thing that has bothered a lot of people on record is these ‘smart’ electrical meters that are installed on houses and apartments. I don’t have to tell you about it — you can see for yourself all of the complaints about these radiating electronic meters. These complaints have forced many electric utilities to offer opt-out options, where you can still continue to use a regular, analog meter that does not transmit dense, low-frequency electronic radiation to cellular towers on a constant basis. My utility charges an extra fee to opt out — because they apparently now have to send out a worker to manually read the meter —which I willingly pay rather than risk being exposed to whatever extra radiation comes with this smart meter.
Another important thing to keep in mind is lights. This is a big one which is so often overlooked by people. Most of the common light bulbs people use — which are touted as being so great for efficiency — are actually extremely high emitters of frequencies which can interfere with the natural flow of the human body, endocrine gland system, and even hormone production and emotions. The main offenders include:
— Fluorescent lights
— LED lights
— Halogen lights
The lights which are good old-fashioned technology that are less efficient but put out clean energy without the high degree of radiation are simply:
— Incandescent lights
These are typically not sold in retail stores so much anymore, but can still be found online in great abundance and at very reasonable cost as of the time of writing. The extra cents it takes per day in electricity costs to use these warm, traditional bulbs is worth it to me personally to preserve optimal health.
I once took a film production class and the instructor said don’t ever light performers on camera using fluorescent or LED lights, because it will drain their emotional capacity. Most corporate offices and warehouses have been using these for decades to cut down on their electricity costs — just keep in mind these are the same places which seem devoid of soul and energy when you walk in there. High-end restaurants are known for using incandescent lights to create certain mood, atmosphere, warmth and ambiance. I promise I am not making this stuff up. Let me know if you notice a difference after switching back to good old-fashioned incandescent lights. It’s a warm, comforting light, as opposed to a cold, harsh light, and I use nothing but incandescent lightbulbs personally. To me, the difference is night and day.
You can also utilize the power of crystals to help ground yourself and perhaps even create a buffer against harmful radiation. There are some good ones like Shungite as well as many other stones which can help with this. You can also buy a necklace so that it’s constantly making contact with your skin, helping to regulate your energy, groundedness, and balance. You can put crystals in strategic areas around your home, such as next to smart devices. I don’t know to what exact degree this will absorb and transmute that negative frequency, but the crystals do have their own uplifting wavelengths and vibrations which exist in the same ether that the electronic pollution is moving through. Try it out for yourself and see what you observe.
You can also get grounding mats, grounding sheets and pillowcases, which plug into the wall outlets of your home, connecting to the grounding rod which is emitting the underground frequency of the Earth itself. Look for another chapter on this more extensively for improving the body’s frequency, but also keep in mind how much it can help in terms of mitigating the EMF issue as well.
On the high end of the cost spectrum, you could also considering using a PEMF mat or other PEMF devices (AKA Pulse Electromagnetic Frequency) which can help to balance the cells of the body and alkalize them, potentially mitigating them against oxidative stress experienced as a result of EMF exposure. Just keep in mind this is a costly accessory but powerful.
I would also mention the importance of making sure your body is in an optimal functioning state, in terms of good immune function, detoxification, and ability to repair damaged cells. If heavy metals are present in the body, this seems to pose an extra risk to being affected even more drastically by excessive EMFs, and so heavy metal cleansing would be recommended as covered in another segment. Iodine supplementation, which is covered in a separate chapter, has also been shown to be associated with removal of heavy metals from the body, as well as overall cellular function, and cognitive function, which can also be affected by EMFs. Also, iodine has been shown to be helpful as a protective buffer against ionizing radiation like X-rays or from a nuclear plant.
As I mentioned at the start, humans are a transmitting device all on our own. Who knows what all we’re communicating with, but we’re attuned to be able to send and receive information out into the cosmos and back. My concern is all this interference on Earth can block that. So while it is important to closely guard your space and maintain boundaries against negative pollution coming into your body, so too is it important to also make sure there is a clear channel for you to send and receive signals out there with whatever we’re meant to interface with to receive downloads, data, insights, intelligence, and who knows what else. In terms of spirituality, you want to be protected from low-vibrational entities, but you also want to be an open channel to interact with high-vibrational, aspirational transmissions.
If you are in a home which feels uneasy and tense and not quite right, the other thing you can do is quite simple — move! Go to a location that is less susceptible to electronic pollution. I consider myself a bit of a location freak, and I am constantly attuned to the energies of different locations and neighborhoods and so forth. Try to heighten your awareness of that. There are individuals who are much more experts than myself in this area, who are even supposedly trained in being able to identify so-called ‘temporal zones’ which are sort of energetic vortexes that can purportedly be unstable for an individual to reside in.
There are also methods you can use to identify sources of dirty electricity in a home and potentially harmful sources of electronic radiation. There are tools and devices you can buy to measure these things on your own. You can seek out individuals who are more learned than myself in this subject matter to instruct you on how to use these tools.
Like I said, I’m not a technical expert as of the time of writing on that subject other than I am aware of these concepts and the individuals who consult in that area. I tend to be more intuitive and follow my instinct about whether a certain place has a negative or positive overall vibration, and all the nuances in between. Sometimes it’s not practical to relocate and we have to stay in place. But, if you go to work on your home to make it more protected and buffered against radiation, and it still feels weird and possessed, then maybe it’s time to cut your losses and get out of Dodge.
It’s tough because cities, suburbs, and even rural areas are becoming more polluted all the time by means of wireless frequencies. I was personally living in central Austin not too long ago. During the course of my living at this one particular home, a cell tower was erected about three blocks away. Shortly thereafter, I couldn’t help but notice a different in the energy level in my home. It seems less peaceful and more on edge. I even sustained a mild injury while working out in my home shortly after that, causing me to stop doing my exercise regiment under the concern that I would worsen the injury. Why did this injury even occur? Could the cells in my body have been under duress and experiencing a blockage and/or a lack of ease? It was a sign to me to move on down the dusty trail.
You can also track here the nearby cell towers in relation to your home:
Three blocks away for a cell tower isn’t great, but I’ve seen worse also. If your house is right under a cell tower, you may want to consider not living there. Just as if you were right next to a nuclear facility, you may want to move. There is nothing wrong with cutting your losses sometimes and just moving on. Your current location may be holding you back. Although it is disruptive to move, it’s one of the most powerful and empowering things you can do. Trust your Sixth Sense (your sense of direction) and your intuition about what to do. Who knows? You may even move cities, states or countries.
If you are pursing with great aplomb your health transformation and are detoxing and cleansing, supplementing with herbs, and eating lots of healthy foods, but you continue to barrage your body with a constant stream of electronic radiation, then will it be any great surprise when you reach a plateau or feel that you are coming up against a wall and unable to really take off and soar to the next level? If environmental toxins created the problem in the first place, with acidic food and chemicals, then so too we should be focused on other environmental factors which can pollute our very cells and well-being like EMFs and electronic pollution.
We cannot live in a world of compartmentalization and expect to have widespread, wholistic results. This is the problem with so many professions which are so specialized. Many of these professional individuals can’t see the forest from the trees.
We humans are made up of energy and vibrations, and that’s all herbs and foods are anyways, just a way of exchanging energy, consciousness, chemistry and intelligence with us. We are electro-chemical beings, existing within the laws of physics but also operating within different dimensions, some of which we aren’t able to fully anatomize or document. Just because we can’t see wireless radiation moving through the air doesn’t mean we should dismiss it or not focus on how it affects us or what we can do about it.
We should elevate our consciousness and use our intuition and intelligence to take control of the things which are worth asserting our will over. Some radiation is unavoidable and in that case we need the strength and will to power through that. This systematic approach is all about putting as many odds in your favor as possible, and I hope you found it helpful. Good luck!