Dave Escamilla

About Dave Escamilla

This author Dave Escamilla has created 210 entries.

Alexander Technique — Unlock Effortless Body Alignment and Posture Naturally

The Alexander Technique was developed in the late 1800s by a gentlemen who was trying to perform a job and found that he was exerting himself to the point where his voice gave out and he couldn’t even effectively communicate without exhausting himself. Trying to find the root cause of this, Frederick Mathias Alexander discovered that in the act of trying and doing, these intentional efforts were causing the body to tense up and hold a great amount of stress

Inversion Table — Relieve Your Spine

We live in a world of constant pressure, which is both a blessing and a curse. After all, gravity helps to give us our bone density and muscular strength, while at the same time causing our bodies to droop and drift and sag towards the center of the Earth.Just as it is important to sometimes stress and exert our physical unit, so too must we find ways to relax and allow it to rest and recover. Using inversion techniques is

Inversion Table — Relieve Your Spine

We live in a world of constant pressure, which is both a blessing and a curse. After all, gravity helps to give us our bone density and muscular strength, while at the same time causing our bodies to droop and drift and sag towards the center of the Earth.Just as it is important to sometimes stress and exert our physical unit, so too must we find ways to relax and allow it to rest and recover. Using inversion techniques is

Eye Washing

So much of Rapid Regeneration seems to be about washing and cleaning and cleansing and purifying — sometimes, it makes you feel just like an old maid, cleaning and cleaning until the cows come home. I don’t know what to tell you except that detoxification can be a dirty business and sometimes the only way to really get the job done right is to roll up your sleeves and get your hands dirty.We take so much care of oral hygiene,

Eye Washing

So much of Rapid Regeneration seems to be about washing and cleaning and cleansing and purifying — sometimes, it makes you feel just like an old maid, cleaning and cleaning until the cows come home. I don’t know what to tell you except that detoxification can be a dirty business and sometimes the only way to really get the job done right is to roll up your sleeves and get your hands dirty.We take so much care of oral hygiene,

Sinus Rinsing with Neti Pot

Cleaning out your sinuses with a Neti pot is one of the age old techniques that is common knowledge and is an example of traditional therapeutic techniques which have been adapted into mainstream culture and your mother may have even helped you out with this one. I would prefer not to risk redundancy, and yet I feel this one must be mentioned because it is so effective.Water is the universal solvent, and forcing water in by means of gravity and

Sinus Rinsing with Neti Pot

Cleaning out your sinuses with a Neti pot is one of the age old techniques that is common knowledge and is an example of traditional therapeutic techniques which have been adapted into mainstream culture and your mother may have even helped you out with this one. I would prefer not to risk redundancy, and yet I feel this one must be mentioned because it is so effective.Water is the universal solvent, and forcing water in by means of gravity and

Ear Candling for Oxygen Flow

I have personally found much benefit from doing candling of the ears. This is one of those things which seems pretty far-out and almost like an old witch’s formula of something you would practice in the backwoods during the Middle Ages. However, my philosophy is to judge a tree by its fruits — if something works, then I give credit where credit is due. It has made me feel lighter and provided a relief of sinus pressure especially in the

Ear Candling for Oxygen Flow

I have personally found much benefit from doing candling of the ears. This is one of those things which seems pretty far-out and almost like an old witch’s formula of something you would practice in the backwoods during the Middle Ages. However, my philosophy is to judge a tree by its fruits — if something works, then I give credit where credit is due. It has made me feel lighter and provided a relief of sinus pressure especially in the